пятница, 22 июня 2018 г.


Golden retriever


Golden retrieveren er generelt imødekommende og tillidsfuld, hengiven over for familien, glad for familiens børn og venlig mod fremmede og andre hunde. golden retrieveren er velegnet som selskabs- og jagthund. Racens væsen kan dog variere fra hund til hund og spænde fra en noget underdanig tæve til en han, der siger kraftigt fra, hvis den føler sig udfordret. I racen arbejdes der dog målrettet på at undgå disse yderpunkter.

Golden retrieveren er en hund, der kræver opdragelse, mentalt stimulerende beskæftigelse og fysisk motion. Den er meget kontaktsøgende og selskabelig og har brug for opmærksomhed fra familien.


Som jagthund arbejder golden retrieveren ikke selvstændigt. Dens opgave er at hente nedlagte fugle på førerens anvisninger. Den er lydhør og opmærksom og holder generelt nær kontakt. Også som familiehund er den forholdsvis nem at holde inden for afstukne rammer.


Den glatte eller let bølgede pels har en tæt, vandafvisende og godt isolerende underuld. Hunden har moderate behæng på brystet og bagsiden af benene, fyldigere på halens underside. Pelsen er ikke arbejdskrævende, men den skal gennembørstes og friseres regelmæssigt.


Golden retrieveren er samarbejdsvillig og let at opdrage, blot det sker med venlighed og konsekvens. Træn i korte, tempofyldte sekvenser og udnyt hundens glæde ved at bære rundt på noget i munden. Den kan blive en fremragende lydighedshund. Glad for vand.

Hanner 56-61 cm. Tæver 51-56 cm.

Alle nuancer af gylden eller creme.


Golden retrieveren blev skabt i grænseegnene mellem England og Skotland sidst i 1800-tallet. Baggrunden er formodentlig en krydsning mellem gul labrador retriever, irsk setter og den nu uddøde tweed water spaniel. Golden retrieveren blev hurtigt populær blandt jægere for dens nænsomme måde at apportere fuglene på. Senere er den blevet en af de mest populære selskabshunde i mange lande, og den gør desuden stor nytte ved opsporing af fx narko og sprængstoffer, som redningshund og som servicehund for handikappede.


Golden retriever HVALPE TIL SALG


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neue CAC Ausstellung in Münsingen

Retriever Schweizer Meisterschaft und offene Prüfung 2018

Das neue Zuchtreglement 2017 ist seit dem 01.11.2017 in Kraft

Hund golden retriever

Yellow Retriever and Golden Flat Coat

Lab and Labrador

United States and Canada

Data sourced from the American Kennel Club.

  • Dense
  • Thick
  • Water-Repellent
  • Dense
  • Harsh and Rough
  • Short
  • Water-Repellent
  • Moderate
  • Seasonal
  • Sporting

Size and Life Expectancy

As large dogs, both the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever have very similar growth patterns. By the end of the first year, both dog breeds will be nearly 2 feet at the withers. Growth requires proper nutrition and these dog breeds will need approximately 2.5 to 3 cups of dry dog food daily.


  • Alert
  • Friendly
  • Intelligent
  • Loyal
  • Playful
  • Quiet
  • Affectionate
  • Alert
  • Cheerful
  • Energetic
  • Friendly
  • Gentle
  • Intelligent
  • Loving
  • Loyal
  • Outgoing
  • Playful
  • Responsive
  • Social

Data sourced from Animals 24-7 and Animal Planet.


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Hund golden retriever

Yellow Retriever and Golden Flat Coat

Toller, Scotty, Novie, and Little River Duck Dog

The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is a medium purebred known for being affectionate, alert, courageous, energetic, gentle, playful, and responsive. To keep it healthy, it will need to get exercise regularly. Known to be multi-talented, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever participates in a wide variety of activities such as agility, hunting, obedience, retrieving, search and rescue, and tracking.

Data sourced from the American Kennel Club.

  • Dense
  • Thick
  • Water-Repellent
  • Dense
  • Medium
  • Water-Repellent
  • Seasonal
  • Sporting

Size and Life Expectancy


  • Alert
  • Friendly
  • Intelligent
  • Loyal
  • Playful
  • Quiet
  • Affectionate
  • Alert
  • Courageous
  • Energetic
  • Gentle
  • Playful
  • Responsive


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Basset Retriever

The Basset Retriever is also known as the Basset Vertier and is a mix of a Basset Hound and a Golden Retriever. She is an easy going and friendly medium sized dog with a life expectancy of between 10 to 12 years. They come under the hounding group of dogs and have talent in watchdog and hunting. They are also used in field trials as well as as working dogs.

Where does the Basset Retriever come from?

It is thought that the Basset Retriever was first bred in Great Britain but not much more is known about its origins. It is not an old mixed breed, designer breeds became popular in the last 10 to 15 years and the Basset Retriever came about from that new trend. Her qualities in terms of looks and personality cannot be controlled or predicted though and need to be derived from an understanding of both the Basset Hound and the Golden Retriever.

The Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a dog with origins from France way back before the French Revolution. They were used at first by the French aristocracy for hunting because of their superb tracking and ability to go through brush even in thick forests for hare and rabbits and such. After the Revolution the working man continued to use them as a hunting dog they were still able to follow on foot. Today he is far more than a hush puppy logo. He is a laid back dog that is still alert to act as a watch dog for his family. He is loyal and affectionate and also stubborn which means training can require some patience. He has a real tendency to overeat if allowed and he still loves to follow the scent of something.

The Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever comes from Scotland where he was bred by Lord Tweedmouth. Lord Tweedmouth loved to hunt and wanted a dog who not only was a talented retriever, but who also paid more attention and listened to his human hunting partner than the dogs used at the time (spaniels and setters). Lord Tweedmouth also wanted a dog that was a great family companion when not out hunting with him with an even-temperament and great loyalty. The Golden Retriever did not disappoint and still today has those wonderful qualities that make him so in demand as a family pet. Today he is sweet, eager to please, still loves to work and is great with children.


The Basset Retriever is a lovely dog, gentle, friendly, social and loyal to her family or companion. They love to play and are full of energy a a love of life and a love for those around her. She is affectionate and will have you wrapped around her little paw. She is intelligent too so be sure to give her plenty of mental stimulation as well as physical.

What does a Basset Retriever look like

She is a medium sized dog mostly, though sometimes at the top end of her weight range she could be classed as a large dog. She weighs 40 to 60 pounds and is up to 14 inches tall. Her eyes are round and dark and her ears are long and hang down on her cheeks. Her body is long and low to the ground like a Basset Hound with shorter legs. Her coat is usually straight, shiny and soft and comes in colors such as golden, red, black, brown, white, chocolate or a golden rose color.

Training and Exercise Needs

How much exercise does she need?

They are pretty energetic and need to be active to burn some of that energy off! When taking them out for a walk keep them on a leash unless in an enclosed area as their love for scents and hunting could have them off chasing the latest scent they caught. They are hard to dissuade from a course once they start tracking. Also they do have a loud bay they sound out when they go on the hunt. A daily walk or two is needed along with some play time. They can live in a smaller apartment but you need to take them out at least a couple of times a day. If they can have access to a yard that is a good thing.

How easy to train is she?

She is mostly easy enough to train as she gets an intelligence from the Retriever side. If she takes more after the retriever in terms of wanting to please she will listen and learn well. There is a stubbornness that can come from the Basset Hound side though so if you run into that you will need to keep a firm hand and be consistent and patient. Avoid punishments or shouting it will not achieve anything. Keep being positive, reward her with praise and treats. She will certainly love the treats!

Living with a Basset Retriever

Grooming needs

Once a week to remove loose hairs will be good enough in terms of brushing her coat but during shedding season she will need it to be done once a day. Be prepared during that time to have to clean up your furniture and clothing, a good vacuum cleaner will help. Bathing can be done once a month unless she gets herself all dirty when outside in which case do when needed.

Other grooming requirements are the same as any other dog. Check her over once a week to make sure all looks healthy including her eyes. Brush her teeth at least 2 to 3 times a week as she may be more prone to dental issues and wipe her ears clean once a week to prevent infection. Nails will need clipping but it may be something you choose to leave to the vet or groomer. Dog nails have a blood vessel in them so cannot be cut too low or it causes pain to them and a lot of bleeding. Learn how to do it or have the vet show you if you want to do it yourself.

How good with children and pets is she?

She is great with children, very friendly and loves to play with them and she is good with other pets and dogs too. Just keep in mind that she has a hunting background so small pets may seem like prey to her unless she is properly socialized from a young age. It also helps if she is raised with them. Socialization can start from as young as a month old. Make sure children know not to try and sit on her, that long back is tempting to them sometimes, as that could cause serious injury to her.

General information

She can be prone to obesity so make sure you do not let her graze on food and that she just gets what she needs. Two meals a day that together equal 2½ to 3 cups of good quality dry dog food is sufficient. She is fine in most climates though it is best to avoid extreme cold temperatures. She is a good watch dog and will bark to alert you if an intruder enters your home. She is suitable for living in apartments or smaller homes as long as she gets outside enough.

Health Concerns

There are no known major health conditions for this dog though being relatively new things could still come up. It is possible for them to inherit tendencies their parent dogs have for certain ailments such as skin disease, ear infections, allergies, obesity, dental issues and joint dysplasia.

Costs involved in owning a Basset Retriever

This type of dog is easy to find and puppies can found for $650 to $950. Prices change depending on popularity, where you are and availability. You will also find that reputable breeders will price their puppies higher than less preferable sources. This cost is worth it though, you are getting assurances of parental health, and some medical testing may already have been carried out to check on your puppy's health.

There are other costs involved in having a puppy though apart from cost of the puppy itself. She will need to be spayed, a microchip, blood tests and deworming if not already done, you will need a crate, a collar, leash, bedding, food bowls. This is going to cost somewhere between $500 to $650. Then there are yearly costs to keep in mind. Prepare for medical emergencies by saving or getting pet health insurance. Vaccinations, flea prevention, health checks, license, food, toys, treats, training to name but a few. Just those things will be around $700 to $900. Should you need to use a dog kennel, a dog walker or sitter, a groomer and so on that will be extra.

Looking for a Basset Retriever Puppy Name? Let select one from our list!

The Basset Retriever has some qualities that make her an excellent companion or family dog. She is easy going and friendly and will reward you for your devotion by loving you right back. Just be ready for the scent following and make sure she does not pig out on her food!

Golden Cocker Retriever

Cocker Spaniel / Golden Retriever Mixed Breed Dogs

Information and Pictures

Cocker Spaniel / Golden Retriever hybrid (Golden Cocker Retriever) "Zoe is a 7-year-old Cocker Spaniel / Golden Retriever hybrid. She is a very loving and still very playful dog. She is very smart! She can sit, shake, lie down, roll over and beg. Zoe loves to play fetch! She is great with all people and kids, no matter how big or small. She loves other animals. She has been the best dog I have ever had! She is about 17" tall and 22" from neck to tail. She weighs about 40 pounds now that she has been spayed. Before she was spayed, she weighed about 33 pounds. She is beautiful!"

Other Names
  • Cogol
  • Dakota Sport Retriever

The Golden Cocker Retriever is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Golden Retriever and the Cocker Spaniel. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses.

  • ACHC = American Canine Hybrid Club
  • DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.
Recognized Names
  • American Canine Hybrid Club = Golden Cocker Retriever
  • Designer Dogs Kennel Club = Golden Cocker Retriever
  • International Designer Canine Registry ® = American Cocker Spaniel x Golden Retriever = Golden Cocker Retriever
  • International Designer Canine Registry ® = English Cocker Spaniel x Golden Retriever = English Comfort Golden

"This is Rusty. We got him from some people who didn't take very good care of him. He's 2 and a half years old in this picture and he is a Golden Retriever / Cocker Spaniel mix. This dog is an amazing athlete and can run non stop for a long time and has powerful hind legs for jumping. He does not have the swimming ability like our 8 year old Golden Retriever, Rosie. He is the nicest dog you can ask for, he's always up to play, never bites, loves playing with other dogs, and always wants to get outside the house. Great family dog!"

"This is my Golden Cocker Retriever, Buffy. She's about 4 years old in this picture. She is very sassy. She is also very friendly and treats everyone she meets like they have been friends forever. She does have one bad habit however of hogging the bed and the pillows."

"This is Cookie at 7 months old. She loves to go fishing and swimming. When I put her out in her run to play she will call me when she's ready to come in by saying 'mama.' She likes to fetch her ball and wubba but hates the Frisbee."

Callie the Golden Cocker Retriever, which her breeder calls a "Dakota Sport Retriever," as a puppy at 4 months old—she is 50% Golden Retriever, 25% American Cocker and 25% English Cocker. "Callie is a light gold second generation Golden Cocker Retriever—meaning both her parents were already a mixture of a Cocker Spaniel and a Golden Retriever. She does have some English Cocker Spaniel in her too. She is a very sweet, smart, playful puppy. She is an excellent playmate with my 2½-year-old daughter and my older daughters love her, too. She loves to carry around sticks when she is playing outside and enjoys going on a walk. She is content to sleep in her indoor doggy kennel-bed at night. She went for her first ½-hour jog the other day and did wonderfully. I couldn't imagine a better family pet!" Bred by Dakota Winds Ranch

Callie the Golden Cocker Retriever, which her breeder calls a "Dakota Sport Retriever," as a puppy at 10 weeks old—she is 50%Golden Retriever, 25% American Cocker and 25% English Cocker. Bred by Dakota Winds Ranch.

Callie the Golden Cocker Retriever, which her breeder calls a "Dakota Sport Retriever," as a puppy at 10 weeks old—she is 50%Golden Retriever, 25% American Cocker and 25% English Cocker. Bred by Dakota Winds Ranch.

Callie the Golden Cocker Retriever, which her breeder calls a "Dakota Sport Retriever," as a puppy at 10 weeks old—she is 50%Golden Retriever, 25% American Cocker and 25% English Cocker. Bred by Dakota Winds Ranch.

Callie the Golden Cocker Retriever, which her breeder calls a "Dakota Sport Retriever," as a puppy at 10 weeks old—she is 50%Golden Retriever, 25% American Cocker and 25% English Cocker. Bred by Dakota Winds Ranch.

Callie the Golden Cocker Retriever, which her breeder calls a "Dakota Sport Retriever," as a puppy at 9 weeks old—she is 50%Golden Retriever, 25% American Cocker and 25% English Cocker. Bred by Dakota Winds Ranch.

Tiger, a black gold male Dakota Sport Retriever, owned by BB Acres—"Dakota Sport Retrievers are bred using 50% Golden Retriever, with the other 50% being American and English Cocker Spaniel in them; ideally 25% of each breed. However, they may have as much as 37.5% of either English or American Cocker Spaniel in them, with as little as 12.5% of the other."

Primo the Golden Cocker Retriever at 3 years old—?"Primo looks just like the purebred Golden Retriever that lives next door, just a whole lot smaller. He's got the gentle disposition of his Golden Retriever friend and the up-beatness of a Cocker Spaniel."

Ruby and Pearl, two Golden Cocker Retrievers, photo courtesy of Timshell Farm Goldendoodles

Photo courtesy of Dakota Winds Ranch

Primo the Golden Cocker Retriever at 3 years old with her toy ball

Lucky (nicknamed Goomba) the Golden Cocker Retriever at 15 years old—her owner says, "She is beautiful and very healthy for her age. Her favorite food is bar-b-q and will jump off the walls until midnight!"

"Tucker is a 2nd generation Golden Cocker Retriever. I got Tucker from a breeder. He was the only shorthaired puppy in the litter. The breeder did not know why he came out shorthaired, so a DNA test was done. His sire was, in fact, his sire. There is no reasonable explanation why he has short hair, other than he just does! He is a great little dog and a very sweet puppy. He is very gentle, loving and sweet."


The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. Contents & Graphics Copyright © Dog Breed Info Center® (C) 1998- . All Rights Reserved. Our work is not Public Domain.

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    Happiness - Golden Retriever welpen zu verkaufen

    Anmerkungen des Züchters

    Happiness is my pick of this Golden Retriever litter of mine, she is such a little star! She is a gorgeous girl, with a proud, beautiful and warm face, but it is her personality that really makes her stand out. She is a fun loving, playful, and bouncy girl, the most active of the litter.

    These are strong, healthy bloodlines, and both of the parents come from show winning Golden Retriever bloodlines.

    I have been breeding now for over 25 years, and all my Golden Retriever pups are raised in the home with me, and given good socialization in their first, crucial weeks with me.

    This pup will come with all details of vaccinations and deworming to date, microchip, and the Euro Puppy Guarantee. This pup will not come with a pedigree.

    A Commitment of a Lifetime

    Alle unsere Welpen haben eine lebenslange Garantie. Auch wenn ihr Hund bedauerlicherweise an einer tödlichen Krankheit oder an einer angeborenen Krankheit, die die Lebensqualität des Hundes verändert, sind Sie versichert. Wir versichern Ihr Hund auch gegen Patellenluxation und gegen ernsthafte Hüft- und Ellbogendysplasie. Und das ist für das ganze Leben Ihres Hundes. Wir hoffen, daß Sie dieser Tragödie nicht begegnen oder daß unsere Garantie in Kraft tritt, so versichern wir Ihnen, daß Sie die besten Welpen bekommen, die aus genetisch gesunden Blutlinien stammen.

    Mehrere Golden Retriever Wepen zu verkaufen

    What others say about us.

    Marta, I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done to get this beautiful girl to me, I appreciate you and the quality of service that your company provides. Buying a puppy from so far away, is a really scary decision, but you always made me feel comfortable, and at ease. Now that I have her, I can’t believe how beautiful she is. She is so sweet, and loves my kids. We have had such a long day, […]

    Hi Eddie, Mathilda arrived safely she is with me now. She is really so beautiful. Thank you so much for bringing her to me. Nisrine Comments

    Dear Steven, Just wanted to share the pics of me n chloe she arrived safely and is beautiful. Thank you so much for making her part of my life. Sumai Comments

    Hi Eddie, Turzo turned up at our door step about 2 in the morning. He had a very strong doggie odour. Both Kim and myself bath him with eucalyptus shampoo in our front yard (the water was too hot we had to ice packs to cool it down) and dried him completely and sprayed him with doggie perfume (yes, we are very organized, knowing that we might have to bath him as soon as he arrive). He is such a […]

    Sherri Leonard

    Garden Grove, United States

    Nisrine Karazi

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Sumai Ounallah

    Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Hunderassen Info

    Hunde: 60-80 Pfunde

    Hündin: 55-70 Pfunde

    Hunde: 22-24 inches

    Hündin: 20-22 inches

    AKC Sporting Dogs, FCI Group VIII.: Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs, TKC Gundog

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    Geben Sie Ihr Ort ein und klicken Sie aufs Icon, den Kostenvoranschlag der Lieferung zu nachsehen. Wir liefern Welpen fast nach allen europäischen Länder mit klimatisierten “Pet Class Flight” oder “Road Transportation”.

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    Anna and I – A Retriever's Life

    Rascal Play Group at HERA dog school

    After five weeks, today Anna could finally join the puppy class again. Wait, “puppy” class? No! They are all rascals now! Two girls and four boys. Anna had to fight her way up and seemed pretty exhausted at the end of the play session.

    We also walked our dogs on heal command and made them lie down and stay. I walked a circle around Anna while she was lying down, that’s pretty good. Just the “heal” doesn’t work too well yet when we walk on great-smelling grass! Anna’s nose leads the way quickly and she starts to pull in a zick zack after the scent-trails. She learnt a lot today though.

    Click to enlarge:

    But there was also a lot of blood today at the dog school. No, not because any of the dogs are vicious. My little girl is teething like crazy. I found three teeth within a week now, but she probably lost more than that. The new ones coming through are a lot stronger and bigger. She’s a big wolf now.

    There was more snow in Germany and I decided to take along my Canon 40D for some quick action shots with Anna in the forest.

    Once again I realized, my little girl is actually very much showing wolf body language and behavior while she’s out and about. She will leave the tracks to follow smells of other animals and sometimes I can see her holding her head low, like a wolf. Then the movement of her shoulder blades and the muscles around them are more visible.

    In fact this time she dug up blood under the fresh layer of snow. Maybe a fox killed a rabbit or a bird right here? Only Anna will know with her incredible sense of smell. I often wish, I could smell as well as a dog, it would be fantastic!

    Anna enjoys the fluffy fresh snow very much and gets endless energy bursts out there. Running, jumping, rolling, play-barks, digging, anything that is fun and keeps the body temperature up.

    And a few calm moments of attention:

    Cross-Country Skiing

    When the first snow fell in Germany, we couldn’t wait to open the door to present Anna with a whole new world: The world of white fluffy snow! The first few steps were careful and full of surprise, then suddenly, she started running and jumping across the garden, sliding through the snow on her chin, while her hind legs were still running. Snow! Such a great element!

    I decided to get my cross-country skis out and take Anna through the forest on skis. She was a little excited about those things under my feet, that would glide on the snow. She play-barked at them a couple of times and tried to stop me but then she got used to it and quite enjoyed the faster pace I was going through the white forest with her.


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