понедельник, 2 июля 2018 г.


Anti hunde spray


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  • Basic Anti-Gø halsbånd Spray – Citronella

Basic Anti-Gø halsbånd spray er en effektiv og human måde at stoppe hundens gøen på.

Nogle hunde lære hurtigere at lade være med at gø end andre.

Erziehungshalsband & Anti-Bell-Halsband

Bei einem Erziehungshalsband bzw. Anti-Bell-Halsband wird jedesmal, wenn der Hund bellt, ein Sprayausstoß veranlasst, der dem Hund direkt in die Nase stoeßt. Das Spray ist i.d.R. harmloser Zitronella-Duft, für den Hund aber so unangenehm, dass er sich das Bellen abgewöhnt.

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Multivets Anti-Bark Spray Collar Delux Instruction Manual

Related Manuals for Multivets Anti-Bark Spray Collar Delux

Summary of Contents for Multivets Anti-Bark Spray Collar Delux

INSTRUCTION GUIDE English Congratulations on your purchase of Multivet’s Anti-Bark Spray Collar Deluxe! This revolutionary product combines modern electronics with state-of-the-art spray technology and proven behaviour modification techniques. Our Anti-Bark Spray Collar Deluxe was designed to assist you in training your dog and controlling his nuisance barking.

2. Feed the free end of the collar into the slot of the buckle that is closest to the Multivet logo, from the back to the front (A). Then, thread the free end of the collar through the outside slot, from the front to the back (B). The free end should now hang on the outside, then thread the keeper (C).

Inserting the battery The battery compartment is on the same side as the fill-up valve (A). Remove the battery cover by twisting it and insert the 3-volt battery (the + end first) (B). Twist the cover back on (a coin can be used to help you remove and put back the cover) (C). Note: If the red light flickers three consecutive times, the collar battery is low and needs to be changed.

• It is important that your dog’s hair doesn’t block the spray valve. Try tying a bandanna (handkerchief) around your dog’s neck, then place the spray collar over. If necessary, you may also consider trimming a little of the long hair around the dog’s throat for better spray effect.

WARRANTY • The Anti-Bark Spray Collar carries a warranty that covers against all manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months starting on the date of purchase. This warranty is limited to repair or replacement, at option of manufacturer.

MANUEL D’INSTRUCTIONS Français Nous vous félicitons pour avoir choisi le collier Anti-Bark de luxe de Multivet. Ce produit révolutionnaire réunit la technologie du jet et des méthodes de modification du comportement dont l’efficacité est scientifiquement éprouvée. Le collier anti- aboiement est conçu pour vous aider à conditionner votre chien à réduire ou cesser ses aboiements intempestifs.

2. Insérez l’extrémité libre du collier dans la fente de la boucle la plus rapprochée du symbole Multivet, en procédant de l’arrière vers l’avant (A). Poursuivez en insérant l’extrémité libre du collier dans la fente extérieure en procédant de l’avant vers l’arrière (B).

Mise en place de la pile Le compartiment à pile est situé du même côté que la valve de remplissage (A). Retirez le couvercle du compartiment en le faisant tourner, puis insérez la pile de 3 V en prenant soin d’entrer l’extrémité positive (+) en premier (B). Replacez le couvercle. (Vous pou- vez utiliser une pièce de monnaie pour vous aider à.

• Votre chien ne doit pas faire la relation entre vous et le dispositif. Il est conseillé de le garder éloigné afin qu’il ne vous voit pas lorsque vous préparez et remplissez le dispositif ou quand vous changez la pile et ce, aussi bien au moment de la première utilisation que par la suite.

12. En cas de bris ou de mauvais fonctionnement, ne tentez pas de réparer vous-même le dispositif. Ceci pourrait entraîner l’annulation de votre garantie et rendre la réparation plus difficile. Si le collier ne fonctionne pas, communiquez avec notre service à la clientèle au 450.778.0244 / 1.800.303.0244 / Europe : 00800-MULTIVET (00800-68584838)ou par courriel : info@multivet-inter.com.

INSTRUCTIVO Español ¡Felicidades por haber comprado el Anti-Bark Spray Collar Deluxe de Multivet! Este revolucionario producto, combina la tecnología electrónica y aerosol de punta con técnicas de modificación del comportamiento cuya eficacia está comprobada científicamente. Su Collar Aerosol Anti-Bark Deluxe está concebido para asistirle en entrenar a su perro y controlar sus ladridos intempestivos.

2. Inserte la extremidad libre del collar por atrás, en la hendidura de la hebilla más cercana al logotipo Multivet y jale hacia el frente (A). Después, proceda a pasar la extremidad libre del collar en la hendidura externa de adelante hacia atrás (B). Ahora la extremidad libre del collar cuelga, deslice sobre esta el sujetador móvil para fijarla (C).

Colocando la pila El compartimiento de la pila está situado del mismo lado que la válvula de llenado (A). Retire la cubierta del compartimiento dándole vuelta a derecha. Coloque una pila alcalina de 3 voltios CR2, cuidando de que el polo positivo (+) entre primero (B). Coloque la cubierta para cerrar el compartimiento dándole vuelta a izquierda (C).

RECOMENDACIONES • Se recomienda colocar el Dispositivo únicamente durante los periodos en que el perro va a ladrar y por un tiempo de ocho horas diarias como más máximo. • El Dispositivo Anti-Bark de Chorro de Multivet debe llenarse a su máxima capacidad antes de colocarlo al cuello del animal.

10. La recarga aerosol hipo-alérgico es un envase bajo presión. No lo perfore, no lo caliente, ni lo lance al fuego ya que podría explotar. Lea detenidamente las instrucciones sobre el envase. 11. No exponga el Dispositivo a heladas o a temperaturas superiores a 45º C. Evite muy en especial dejar el dispositivo expuesto al sol, por ejemplo sobre el marco de la ventana o en un carro, en verano.

Erziehungsmethoden, die auf den Grundlagen der Verhaltensmodifizierung basieren. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie im Internet unter www.multivet-inter.com. In weiteren Studien wurde gezeigt, dass die Verwendung von Multivets Anti-Bark Spray Collar ständiges Bellen um 88% reduziert, so dass Hunde nur in Notsituationen zu ihrem natürlichen Bewachungsverhalten zurückkehren und bellen.

2. Das lose Ende des Halsbandes durch den Schlitz in der Schnalle neben dem Multivet Logo von hinten nach vorne führen (A). Dann das lose Ende des Halsbandes durch den äußeren Schlitz von vorne nach hinten führen (B). Das lose Ende hängt jetzt außen.

Einlegen der Batterie Das Batteriegehäuse befindet sich auf der gleichen Seite wie das Nachfüllventil (A). Entfernen Sie die Abdeckung durch leichtes Drehen und legen Sie die 3V-Batterie mit dem Pluspol voran ein (B). Bringen Sie den Deckel durch Drehen wieder an. Der Deckel lässt sich mit Hilfe einer Münze leicht öffnen und schließen (C).

1. Der Anti-Bark Spray Collar Deluxe ist kein Spielzeug. Halten Sie ihn bitte von Kindern fern und benutzen Sie ihn ausschließlich zur Kontrolle von lästigem Bellen. 2. Multivets Anti-Bark Spray Collar Deluxe ist nur für gesunde Hunde geeignet. Bei gesundheitlichen Problemen Ihres Hundes fragen sie Sie bitte Ihren Tierarzt, bevor Sie das Halsband benutzen.

GARANTIEKARTE • Der Hersteller gewährt dem Käufer dieses Produkts ab Kaufdatum 12 Monate Garantie bezüglich jedes etwaigen Defekts in Material oder Herstellung. Im Zuge der Garantieleistung entscheidet der Hersteller, ob defekte Teile des Gerätes repariert werden oder das Gerät als Ganzes ersetzt wird. •.

ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO Italiano Congratulazioni per l’acquisto del suo Anti-Bark Spray Collar Deluxe della Multivet! Questo rivoluzionario prodotto combina un’elettronica moderna con una tecnologia spray all’avanguardia ed una provata tecnica di modificazione comportamentale. Il nostro Anti-Bark Spray Collar è progettato per aiutarla nell’addestramento del suo cane e controllare i suoi fastidiosi latrati.

2. Inserisca l’estremità libera del collare all’interno della fessura della fibbia che è più vicina al marchio della Multivet passando da dietro a davanti (A). Infili poi l’estremità libera del collare attraverso la fessura esterna da davanti a dietro (B). L’estremità libera dovrebbe adesso penzolare all’esterno, infili poi il passante (C).

Inserimento della batteria Il compartimento della batteria è posizionato nello stesso posto della valvola di riempimento (A). Rimuova il coperchio della batteria svitandolo ed inserisca la batteria 3 volt (prima l’estremità positiva) (B). Avviti di nuovo il coperchio (una moneta può essere usato per aiutarla a rimuovere e reinserire il coperchio) (C).

• Per assicurarsi che il suo cane non faccia una connessione tra lei e lo Spray Collar, non lo faccia assistere mentre prepara il dispositivo, sia per il primo utilizzo che per gli usi successivi. Allontani il suo cane mentre prepara il dispositivo anche quando lo riempie o cambia la batteria.

11. Non esponga il dispositivo a temperature troppo basse né superiori a 45°C. Stia particolarmente attento a non lasciare il dispositivo esposto direttamente alla luce del sole, o su una finestra o in una macchina in una giornata estiva, ecc. 12.

MANUAL DE INSTRUÇÕES Português Parabéns pela aquisição da Anti-Bark Spray Collar Deluxe da Multivet! Este produto revolucionário combina funções electrónicas modernas, com tecnologia de aerossóis de ponta e técnicas de modificação de comportamento comprovadas. A nossa Anti-Bark Spray Collar foi concebida para o auxiliar no treino do seu cão e controlar o ladrar incómodo deste.

2. Introduza a extremidade livre na coleira através da ranhura da fivela que se encontra mais próxima do logótipo Multivet a partir da parte traseira até a parte dianteira (A). A seguir, introduza a extremidade livre da coleira através da ranhura externa da parte dianteira até.

Introduzir a pilha O compartimento da pilha encontra-se do mesmo lado que a válvula de enchimento (A). Retire a tampa do compartimento da pilha girando-a e introduza a pilha de 3 volts (a extremidade com o símbolo + primeiro) (B). Volte a girar a tampa para a sua posição (pode utilizar uma moeda para ajudar a remover e a colocar novamente a tampa) (C).

• É importante que o pêlo do seu cão não bloqueie a válvula de aerossol. Experimente atar um lenço em volta do pescoço do seu cão e, depois, coloque sobre este a coleira de jacto. Se for necessário, também é possível considerar aparar um pouco do pêlo comprido em torno do pescoço do cão para conseguir um melhor efeito de pulverização.

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    CANICALM Spray - Anti-gø halsbånd

    Pet Live - Overvågningskamera - trådløst

    Eyenimal Pet Vision Live har en 2-vejs audio funktion, der gør det muligt for ejere at høre deres kæledyr og tale med dem. Eyenimal Pet Vision Live har infrarødt nattesyn, så du også kan "kigge med", når det er mørkt.

    Eyenimal Pet Vision Live kan hjælpe med hurtigt at afsløre uønsket adfærd, så det er lettere at forklare overfor f.eks. en adfærds-specialist eller en dyrlæge.

    Klik på foto og se mere

    Refill spray til Cani Calm uden duft

    Hokamix pulver 10 kg

    CAG Biotin-Forte 100 tabletter

    • Greendog.dk
    • Mob. 27 507 550
    • Tlf. 49 200 202
    • greendog@greendog.dk

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    Max antiparasite Hunde-Spray Express

    Max antiparasite Hunde-Spray Express may be available in the countries listed below.

    In some countries, this medicine may only be approved for veterinary use.

    Ingredient matches for Max antiparasite Hunde-Spray Express

    Permethrin is reported as an ingredient of Max antiparasite Hunde-Spray Express in the following countries:

    Important Notice: The Drugs.com international database is in BETA release. This means it is still under development and may contain inaccuracies. It is not intended as a substitute for the expertise and judgement of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that the use of any medication in any country is safe, appropriate or effective for you. Consult with your healthcare professional before taking any medication.

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    CANICALM Spray - Anti-gø halsbånd

    Pet Live - Overvågningskamera - trådløst

    Eyenimal Pet Vision Live har en 2-vejs audio funktion, der gør det muligt for ejere at høre deres kæledyr og tale med dem. Eyenimal Pet Vision Live har infrarødt nattesyn, så du også kan "kigge med", når det er mørkt.

    Eyenimal Pet Vision Live kan hjælpe med hurtigt at afsløre uønsket adfærd, så det er lettere at forklare overfor f.eks. en adfærds-specialist eller en dyrlæge.

    Klik på foto og se mere

    Refill spray til Cani Calm uden duft

    Hokamix pulver 10 kg

    CAG Biotin-Forte 100 tabletter

    • Greendog.dk
    • Mob. 27 507 550
    • Tlf. 49 200 202
    • greendog@greendog.dk

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    Anti-itch lotion spray for dogs 120 ml

    Ideal cleaning solution for skin irritation in dogs

    Product description

    Anti-itch lotion spray is elaborated for the respect and the natural health of skin and coat of dogs. With a neutral pH, this formula does not irritate the skin even sensitive and respects its natural hydration. Allows a frequent use on the irritated zones.

    Active ingredients

    Anti-itch lotion spray composition:

    • Aqua
    • Glycereth 26
    • Peg 7 glyceryl cocoate
    • Peg 40 hydrogenated castor oil
    • Benzyl alcohol
    • Glycerin
    • Parfum
    • Benzoic acid
    • Sorbic acid
    • Malva sylvestris flower extract
    • Sodium hydroxide
    • Butylphenyl methylpropional
    • Linalool Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde
    • hydroxydcitronellal
    • Alpha isomethyl ionone
    • Citronellol
    • Geraniol
    • Citric acid
    • Potassium
    • Sorbate
    • Sodium Benzoate

    Indications for use

    Anti-itch lotion spray is indicated:

    • Calming effect: the extracts of mallow calm the irritations.
    • Rehydrating effect: hydroxyéthylénées oil rehydrates epidermis.

    Administration and dosage

    How to use Anti-itch lotion spray:

    • In case of strong itches, apply 2 - 3 times a day.
    • Space out then the spraying according to needs.
    • Apply the anti-itch lotion on red patches and itches areas.
    • Wait for a few minutes that the lotion acts.
    • During this period of care, it is recommended to use regularly the anti-itch Shampoo

    Anti-itch lotion spray is elaborated for the respect and the natural health of skin and coat of dogs. With a neutral pH, this formula does not irritate the skin even sensitive and respects its natural hydration. Allows a frequent use on the irritated zones.

    Anti-itch lotion spray composition:

    • Aqua
    • Glycereth 26
    • Peg 7 glyceryl cocoate
    • Peg 40 hydrogenated castor oil
    • Benzyl alcohol
    • Glycerin
    • Parfum
    • Benzoic acid
    • Sorbic acid
    • Malva sylvestris flower extract
    • Sodium hydroxide
    • Butylphenyl methylpropional
    • Linalool Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde
    • hydroxydcitronellal
    • Alpha isomethyl ionone
    • Citronellol
    • Geraniol
    • Citric acid
    • Potassium
    • Sorbate
    • Sodium Benzoate

    Anti-itch lotion spray is indicated:

    • Calming effect: the extracts of mallow calm the irritations.
    • Rehydrating effect: hydroxyéthylénées oil rehydrates epidermis.

    How to use Anti-itch lotion spray:

    • In case of strong itches, apply 2 - 3 times a day.
    • Space out then the spraying according to needs.
    • Apply the anti-itch lotion on red patches and itches areas.
    • Wait for a few minutes that the lotion acts.
    • During this period of care, it is recommended to use regularly the anti-itch Shampoo

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    Treatment of acute otitis externa associated with bacteria (malassezia pachydermatis, gentamicin and fungi) in dogs

    Cortavance cutaneous spray for dogs 76 ml

    Treatment of inflammatory and pruritic dermatoses in dogs

    Apoquel 5.4 mg for dogs 20 tablets

    Treatment of pruritus (itching) associated with allergic dermatitis in dogs


    Allermyl shampoo for cats and dogs 200 ml

    Shampoo used for the management of allergic skin conditions in cats and dogs

    Easotic ear suspension for dogs 10 ml

    Treatment of acute otitis externa associated with bacteria (malassezia pachydermatis, gentamicin and fungi) in dogs

    Cortavance cutaneous spray for dogs 76 ml

    Treatment of inflammatory and pruritic dermatoses in dogs

    Apoquel 5.4 mg for dogs 20 tablets

    Treatment of pruritus (itching) associated with allergic dermatitis in dogs

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    *Merial Parasiticides Market Model Share Report, Q4 2015

    FRONTLINE® Plus contains fipronil and (S)-methoprene. Legal Category: NFA-VPS (UK). Indications: to be used against infestations with fleas, alone or in association with ticks and/or biting lice.

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    FRONTLINE® is a registered trademark of Merial. For information about side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications please refer to the product packaging/package leaflet. For further information refer to the datasheet or contact Merial Animal Health Ltd, CM19 5TG, UK.

    ©Merial Animal Health Ltd 2016. All rights reserved. Use medicines responsibly.

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