Aloe Veterinary Formula
When a family member suffers minor skin irritations, we reach for Aloe First. Since we also treat our pets as part of the family, they too should experience the power of the ”Miracle Plant", Aloe Vera.
Aloe Veterinary Formula is made with stabilized Aloe Vera gel as its primary ingredient and is ideally suited for external skin problems. The nozzle-control spray makes application to any size or type of pet easy.
- Can be helpful in dealing with your pet’s minor skin and coat problems
- Moisturizing action
- Easy nozzle spray application
When a family member suffers minor skin irritations, we reach for Aloe First. Since we also treat our pets as part of the family, they too should experience the power of the ”Miracle Plant", Aloe Vera. Forever Living Products has created Aloe Veterinary Formula – Mother Nature’s soothing Aloe spray for animals.
Cleanse with mild soap and water, and apply to areas where needed. For optimum results, apply several times a day.
For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and other sensitive areas.
For more information on Forever Aloe Veterinary Formula choose a link below:
Aloe First® Spray
Aloe First® Spray
This exclusive skin soothing formula is an excellent first step for soothing minor skin irritations.
Forever Hand Sanitizer®
Forever Hand Sanitizer®
Forever Hand Sanitizer® with Aloe & Honey is designed to kill 99.99% of germs. The skin-soothing stabilized aloe and hydrating honey soften and moisturize as it cleans.
Forever Aloe MPD®
Forever Aloe MPD®
Introducing Forever Aloe MPD® – a liquid detergent that is highly effective and economical. Forever Aloe MPD® is a multi-purpose, liquid concentrated detergent.
Aloe vera hund
Tierbesitzer und -zьchter mьssen heute mehr denn je fьr eine angemessene gesundheitliche und tiermedizinische Betreuung sorgen und die tдgliche Pflege und Ernдhrung sicherstellen. Wesentliche Probleme der richtigen Ernдhrung von Tieren liegen oft an der Unterversorgung mit lebensnotwendigen Grundnдhrstoffen. Hдufig ist auch die gut gemeinte ьbermдЯige Futtergabe ein Auslцser fьr Gesundheitsbeschwerden. Zu viel Futter und eine falsche Nahrungszusammenstellung fьhren zu Ьbergewicht und damit zu Stцrungen, wie z. B.:
- Leistungsabfall
- Problemen im Bewegungsapparat
- Hauterkrankungen
- geschдdigte Darmflora etc.
Innere Anwendung
Durch Futterzusдtze mit Aloe-Vera-Trinksaft kцnnen viele Beschwerden bei Haustieren gelindert werden, dennoch ist die Pflanze kein Allheilmittel, sondern ein sinnvoller Mikronдhrstofflieferant, der im Rahmen einer ganzheitlichen Therapie eine wichtige Aufgabe in der Prophylaxe, Nachsorge sowie Begleitbehandlung von Krankheiten erfьllt.
Beschwerden oder Indikationen fьr den Einsatz des Aloe Vera Trinksafts:
- Infektanfдlligkeit (hдufige Erkдltungskrankheiten)
- Entgiftung und Ausleitung von Stoffwechselendprodukten aus dem gesamten Organismus
- Stдrkung und Anregung des Immunsystems
- Pilzerkrankungen im Verdauungstrakt
- Darmtrдgheit und Stoffwechselprobleme
- Unterstьtzung bei Infektionen mit Husten (hustenreizstillend)
- Unterstьtzung bei chronischen Atemwegsbeschwerden
- Gelenkbeschwerden zum Knorpelaufbau und zur Schmerz- und Entzьndungslinderung fьr mehr Vitalitдt und Wohlbefinden
- Steigerung der kцrperlichen und seelischen Belastbarkeit
- Beschwerden im Bereich der ableitenden Harnwege
Der Aloe Trinksaft ist fьr alle Tiere geeignet und wird ganz einfach unter das Futter gemischt. Einige Tiere, wie z.B. Katzen, nehmen es lieber im Wasser auf.
- Die Getrдnke wirken belebend, tragen zu einem gesunden Appetit der Tiere bei und erhцhen das Energiepotenzial fьr ein lebensfrohes, aktiveres Tier.
- Es trдgt zur Regeneration bei, stдrkt die Vitalitдt und das Immunsystem und beugt Erkrankungen vor.
- Speziell der Magen-Darmtrakt wird gestдrkt und damit die gesamte Konstitution verbessert.
- Erfolge gibt es bei der Linderung von Allergien (Sommerekzem), Darmtrдgheit, Stoffwechselproblemen, Gelenkschmerzen usw.
ДuЯere Anwendung
ДuЯerlich angewendet ist die Aloe Vera das ideale Pflegemittel fьr Fell und Haut bei Hund, Katze, Pferd & Co. Die Haut ist vielfach gefordert, muss sie sich doch gegen Umwelteinflьsse wie Hitze, Kдlte und Feuchtigkeit, gegen Schmutz, Gifte sowie Bakterien und Parasiten behaupten und den Kцrper vor schдdlicher UV-Strahlung schьtzen. Bei Stцrungen in der aus mehreren Schichten und Zelltypen bestehenden Haut kann es zu schwerwiegenden Erkrankungen in Form von Infektionen und Allergien kommen. Aloe Vera kann bei fast allen Arten von Hautirritationen unterstьtzend eingesetzt werden. Das hervorragende Zusammenspiel ihrer verschiedenen Inhaltsstoffe fцrdert den Heilungsprozess bei Verletzungen wie:
- Brand-, Schnitt- und Schьrfwunden,
- bei Ekzemen, Abszessen und Geschwьren.
Selbst altes Narbengewebe kann durch wiederholtes Auftragen von Aloe Vera verblassen und abflachen.
- wundheilungsfцrdernd
- entzьndungshemmend
- durchblutungsfцrdernd
- feuchtigkeitsspendend
- abschwellend und kьhlend
- schnell schmerzlindernd
- blutungs- und juckreizstillend
- antibakteriell (gegen Bakterien)
- antimykotisch (pilzabtцtend)
- antiviral (gegen Viren)
- zum Teil leicht parasitenabwehrend (Stechmьcken, Flцhe, Zecken)
- mild pflegend fьr ein glдnzendes Fell und eine entspannte Haut
Beispiel fьr Selbsthilfe
Darmsanierung beim Hund
Aloe Vera kann hervorragend zur Darmsanierung bei Tieren eingesetzt werden. Zur Ausleitung und Entgiftung des gesamten Organismus werden einem Hund mindestens drei Monate lang tдglich jeweils 1 ml reiner Aloe-Vera-Saft pro Kilogramm Kцrpergewicht mit dem Futter gegeben. Beispiel: Ein 30 kg schweres Tier erhдlt 30 ml Saft pro Tag.
Haut- und Fellpflege
Aloe Vera ist zur tдglichen Haut- und Fellpflege sehr gut geeignet. Vor dem Bьrsten das Fell mit einer Aloe-Vera einsprьhen, bis auf die Haut einmassieren und kurz einwirken lassen. Danach ist besonders langes Fell leicht kдmmbar und glдnzt. Aloe-Vera-Spray kann zur natьrlichen Abwehr gegen Stechmьcken, Flцhe und Zecken eingesetzt werden. Sprьhen Sie zum Beispiel Ihren Hund kurz vor dem Spaziergang ein. Falls ihr Tier das Sprьhgerдusch nicht mag, Veterinary Spray mit der Hand auftragen und einmassieren.
Erste Hilfe bei Wunden
Fast tдglich kann es bei Tieren - sei es beim Herumtoben in der freien Natur oder beim Spiel mit Artgenossen - zu Verletzungen kommen. Diese sollten zunдchst mit Wasser und mit einem milden Aloe-Vera-Shampoo oder einer -Seife gereinigt werden, um eine Sekundдrinfektion durch verbleibende Fremdkцrper (Schmutz, Sand, kleine Steine, verklebtes Fell . ) in der Wunde zu verhindern. Bei dieser sorgfдltigen Vorbehandlung heilt die Wunde durch das anschlieЯend aufgetragene Aloe-Vera-Gel um ein Dreifaches schneller als mit herkцmmlichen Prдparaten. Seine Inhaltsstoffe beschleunigen den Prozess der Zellerneuerung und verhindern Folgeinfektionen.
Fьr einen Saft aus mindestens 80% reiner Aloe Vera (tдgliche Mindestmenge):
History - Aloe Vera und Tierheilkunde
Weil die Aloe Vera im 18. Jahrhundert erfolgreich gegen verschiedene Beschwerden bei Pferden eingesetzt wurde, erhielt sie zu dieser Zeit erstmals ein tierisches Attribut und wurde "Pferde-Aloe" genannt. 1840 verцffentlichten George Skevington und F. D. Day, beide Hufschmiede, ihre Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung von Aloe Vera bei Pferden. Sie behandelten Mauke, Schuppenflechte und allergisch bedingte Hauterkrankungen wie Sommerekzeme, aber auch Probleme im Magen-Darm-Trakt und Krankheitsbilder parasitдren Ursprungs mit der Heilpflanze.
1950 berichtete ein Forscherteam erstmalig in einer veterinдrmedizinischen Zeitschrift ьber die antibakterielle Wirkung der Aloe Vera.
Das Jahr 1975 war ein Meilenstein in der Geschichte der Aloe Vera bei Tieren:
Dr. Robert T. Northway aus Kalifornien (USA) konnte die erste klinische Studie ьber die rein innerliche Anwendung von Aloe Vera abschlieЯen. Er hatte die Wirkung oral (ьber das Maul) verabreichter Aloe Vera an 42 Hunden, 25 Katzen und 4 Pferden ьber einen Zeitraum von sechs Jahren untersucht. Dabei entfalteten die Inhaltsstoffe der Pflanze entzьndungshemmende Eigenschaften bei akut bis chronischen und baktieriellen Infektionen. Sie hemmten die Ausbreitung der meisten Hefepilze wie Candida und von Baktierien wie Staphylokokken, Streptokokken und Corynebakterien. In 67 der 71 behandelten Fдlle erzielte Dr. Northway ebenso gute oder bessere Resultate wie mit klassischen Therapien. AuЯerdem konnte er keinerlei Nebenwirkungen feststellen. 1996 setzt Peter Green, Tierarzt aus England, die Aloe Vera erfolgreich zur Behandlung der noch recht unbekannten Krankheit PVLS (Post Viral Lethargy Syndrome) bei Pferden ein. PVLS wurde mit einem chronischen Erschцpfungszustand beschrieben, die Symptome waren allerdings nicht sehr eindeutig. Neben Peter Green konnte David Urch, ebenfalls ein englischer Tierarzt, durch die innerliche Anwendung von Aloe Vera erstaunliche Erfolge bei der Bekдmpfung von PVLS verbuchen. In 83 % der mit Aloe Vera behandelten Fдlle erzielte er einen Heilungseffekt.
Durch die lдngere Anwendung von schulmedizinischen Prдparaten konnten die Symptome nur in 40 % der Fдlle gemildert werden. Seine langjдhrigen Erfahrungen mit der Aloe Vera in der Tiermedizin hat David Urch in dem 1999 erschienenen Buch "Aloe Vera - Nature's Gift". Aloe Vera in Veterinary Practice" verцffentlicht. Das Buch hat sich zu einem Standardwerk entwickelt und dokumentiert die ьberaus erstaunlichen Heilerfolge bei allen Haus- und Nutztieren.
(Quelle: Ratgeber "Aloe Vera - Mehr Gesundheit und Vitalitдt fьr Tiere", Michaela Krenz)
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Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants
If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible.*
* A $65 consultation fee may apply.
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Aloevera Djur
Från husdjur, tävlings-djur till produktions- djur.
Genom Aloe Vera gel så får även de i sig ett rikt näringstillskott. Som de flesta vet så har även våra
kära husdjur börja känna av välfärden precis som oss människor och är ofta i lika stort behov av tillskott som vi.
Ponnyer + Hästar < 350kg 50 ml 2-3 ggr per dag
Stora Hästar > 350kg 250 ml t ex 150 ml morgon/100 ml kväll
Föl 20-30 ml 2-3 ggr per dag
Hund ca 30 kg 30 ml 2 ggr per dag
Hundvalp 10 ml 2 ggr per dag
Katt < 3 kg 15 ml t ex 5 ml 3 ggr per dag
Katt > 3 kg 10-20 ml t ex 5 ml 3 ggr per dag
Ponnyer + Hästar < 350kg 40 ml t ex 20 ml två ggr per dag
Stora hästar > 350kg 60 ml t ex 30 ml två ggr per dag
Föl 20-30 ml delat i 2-3 ggr per dag
Hund ca 30 kg 30 ml delat i 2-3 ggr per dag
Katt > 3 kg 10 ml delat i 2-3 ggr per dag
Kattunge 2,5-5 ml delat i 2-3 ggr per dag
Aloe Heat Lotion
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Från husdjur, tävlings-djur till produktions- djur.
Genom Aloe Vera gel så får även de i sig ett rikt näringstillskott. Som de flesta vet så har även våra
kära husdjur börja känna av välfärden precis som oss människor och är ofta i lika stort behov av tillskott som vi.
Aloe vera hund
Learn How You Can Benefit Today from the Astonishing Power of Aloe Fuzion!
What you'll discover on this page:
Global Healing Center
Why should you trust us?
- We get over 120,000 daily visitors and have served over 2 million customers.
- We have over 1,000 affiliates worldwide.
- There are over 1,000 doctors worldwide who distribute and promote our products.
What is Aloe Fuzion?
Aloe Fuzion is organic, freeze dried, inner leaf Aloe vera powder. It has a bio-active profile nearly identical to natural Aloe vera inner leaf gel and is the highest quality, most bioavailable, most immunomodulatory Aloe vera available. Absolutely no other Aloe vera product can match its bioavailable polysaccharide and acemannan content. Compare and see for yourself, Aloe Fuzion is the gold standard for Aloe vera capsules!
A Brief History of Aloe Fuzion
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP
"For years, I have used and recommended various Aloe products to enhance my own health and that of our customers. However, I was never fully satisfied with the potency of the products. This prompted a journey to develop the most advanced, encapsulated Aloe vera product in the world using vegetarian and vegan friendly processes."
"Now, using only the best quality, organic Aloe vera in the world and groundbreaking production processes, we've made it easy and convenient for you to reap the benefits of Aloe vera with Aloe Fuzion."
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP
The Top 5 Reasons You Need Aloe Fuzion
1. Supports Digestion
Aloe Fuzion helps soothe and cleanse the digestive tract. When digestion is smooth and functioning properly, your body can better absorb nutrients to enhance your overall wellness.
2. Boosts Immune System
Aloe Fuzion has natural detoxifying properties that effectively cleanse the digestive and circulatory systems. As nutrient absorption accelerates, blood circulation is strengthened and provides more oxygen rich blood to cells, which in turn strengthen your immune system.
The rise in popularity of Aloe vera has created an opportunity for fly-by-night operations to offer inferior products. In fact, some industry experts estimate up to 75% of Aloe vera is either impure or void of beneficial nutrients. You can rest easy knowing that Aloe Fuzion is formulated with ultra high-quality, organic Aloe vera.
4. Convenience
Aloe vera juice is bulky and requires refrigeration. It’s not easy to travel with and not everyone likes the taste. Aloe Fuzion offers the benefits of Aloe vera in an easy vegetarian capsule. Whether you’re at home or on the go, Aloe Fuzion is quick and simple.
5. Nutrition
Aloe Fuzion offers all the active ingredients found in Aloe vera, including polysaccharides, glycoproteins, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. It’s a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In particular, Aloe Fuzion offers mucopolysaccharides, also known as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are an active component.
Surprising Facts About Aloe Vera
- With a history that extends back 6,000 years, Aloe vera is believed to have originated in the Sudan.
- Although it resembles a cactus, Aloe is a member of the lily family.
- There are 400 species of the Aloe vera plant.
- Aloe's health benefits are supported by nearly 700 published scientific and clinical studies.
- Aloe vera offers over 200 biologically active amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and enzymes.
- Both Ayurvedic medicine in India and Traditional Chinese Medicine utilize Aloe vera.
- Aloe vera is the second most frequently used ingredient in Hispanic culture and, in Asian culture, is second only to red ginseng.
- Native Americans called it the “Wand of the Heaven.”
The Health Benefits of Aloe Fuzion
- Supports a healthy immune system.
- Encourages normal pH levels.
- Acts as a prebiotic for intestinal flora.
- Incredible source of powerful antioxidants and vital nutrients.
- Soothes the entire body, from the digestive tract to sore joints and muscles.
- Excellent nutritional support for the liver.
- Encourages normal lipid profiles and cardiovascular health.
- Helps to enhance absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.
- Supports vibrant, better looking skin.
Why Aloe Fuzion is Risk-Free For You To Try
We are sure you will see and feel the health benefits of Aloe Fuzion.
If you aren’t absolutely satisfied. if you aren’t feeling better, you’re protected by our.
100% No-Risk 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your results, just let us know and we’ll send you a prompt refund.
Why is Aloe Fuzion the Best Aloe Vera Product Available?
- Produced with Aloe vera (L.) grown in the hot and humid climate of the tropical volcanic island of Hainan.
- 200x concentrate formula contains the most bio-available certified-organic aloe high in acemannan.
- Contains a minimum 15% acemannan content with greater than 7% bioavailable and greater than 10% immunomodulatory.
- No preservatives, flavors, fillers, gluten, GMOs, or artificial colors.
- Easy vegetarian capsules have no bitter taste and are convenient for travel.
- Meets quality and purity standards of the International Aloe Science Council.
- No refrigeration required.
- Economical for daily use.
The Top 3 Questions People Ask About Aloe Fuzion
1. Why is it important to only use gel from the inner leaf? Aloe Fuzion is made from only the inner leaf gel without the rind, which contains a laxative called aloin. Many companies use the rind and later eliminate the aloin by using a charcoal filter which degrades the acemannan content of the Aloe.
2. What is acemannan? Acemannan, or poly acetyl mannose, is one of the most active ingredients in Aloe vera. Aloe Fuzion contains the highest quality, most bio-available, most immunomodulatory, and simply the most acemannan of any Aloe vera product available. Farming, harvesting, processing, and packaging all impact acemannan content and its bioavailability. Don’t take chances with inferior products.
3. What nutrients does Aloe Fuzion provide? Aloe Fuzion is a natural source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and enzymes. Some of the main enzymes found in Aloe vera include bradykinase, which supports healthy immune function, lipase to help digest fats, and amylase to help break down sugars and starches. 20 of the 22 required amino acids are found in Aloe vera gel, including leucine, lysine, tryptophan, threonin and isoleucine. Aloe vera gel also contains saponins, a filmy soapy substance that promotes cleansing.
Feel More Alive, Energetic, and Vibrant Today with Aloe Fuzion!
The Aloe vera plant has many potent, soothing qualities. Ingested, aloe vera may be helpful for supporting the gastrointestinal system, digestive process, and normal blood sugar.
Other Ingredients
- Organic Gum Acacia
Added as a flow agent, Global Healing Center revolutionized the supplement manufacturing industry by refusing to add toxic fillers, binders and excipients like magnesium stearate to our products. Dr. Group researched many substances and developed and tested all natural approaches and found organic acacia gum to be the most superior option.
Kosher certified vegetarian capsules are used instead of standard drug capsules that are composed of protein sourced from bovine, porcine, equine, and even fish.
Suggested Use
Take one capsule in the morning and one in the evening with purified water.
Frequently Asked Questions About Aloe Fuzion
How is Aloe Fuzion produced?
The Aloe vera used to produce Aloe Fuzion is only grown in the hot and humid climate of the tropical volcanic island of Hainan, where Mother Nature pours an average of 70 inches of rain a year. No synthetic fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides are used. Organic farmers carefully tend to nearly everything by hand, including harvesting. Aloe Fuzion is produced using freeze drying techniques. Other companies delay processing for days or weeks after harvesting and then use heat, enzymes, and preservatives causing their Aloe to degrade, lose potency and even become toxic. We take great care in offering Aloe that’s carefully handled to preserve the natural goodness and healing properties.
What are the benefits of Aloe vera?
Used externally, Aloe vera supports wound healing and soothes burns and skin irritations. Internally, Aloe vera soothes the stomach and digestive system and even supports joint health and the immune system.
What are anthraquinones?
Anthraquinones are undesirable compounds found in the outer rind of the Aloe vera leaf. If the label doesn't say it has removed the anthraquinones or if the Aloe vera is sold as a laxative, avoid the product.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
All testimonials and product reviews are authentic from actual customers. Documentation is available for legal inspection. Product reviews are within range of typicality.
Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. Global Healing Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Global Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician. This Web site contains links to Web sites operated by other parties. Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only. We are not responsible for the content or products of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. Global Healing Center does not adopt any medical claims which may have been made in 3rd party references. Where Global Healing Center has control over the posting or other communications of such claims to the public, Global Healing Center will make its best effort to remove such claims.
Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants
If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible.*
* A $65 consultation fee may apply.
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Aloe Vera Caps
Für Vegetarier und Veganer geeignet
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Aloe Vera Benefits as a
Nutritious Dietary Superfood
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is a succulent plant that is cultivated all over the world for its thick gelatinous leaves. When the leaves are cut, a clear viscous substance can be pressed or filleted out of the aloe leaf.
This material is the healing and therapeutic element of the plant that is a rich source of polysaccharides and many other ingredients including lignins, saponins, salicylic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids.
Aloe is well known commercially for its topical use in the cosmetic industry in hair and skin products. But, it is also a very popular ingredient in a wide range of health food products and beverages due to its number of nutritional components.
Today, many people are also using fresh raw aloe leaf by "filleting" out the inner gel and consuming it like a vegetable blended into juice, water or drinks. In fact, it can sometimes be found in the produce section of many health food markets.
Aloe is about 99% water and is a very hydrating and super nourishing food for the body. In addition, it contains beneficial phytochemicals such as anthraquinones and various glucomannans.
It is an excellent top superfood, not only for the skin, but for many systems of the body, helping to boost immunity, purify the liver and aid digestion.
Throughout history aloe was regarded as a virtual panacea for many health conditions and has been used extensively since Biblical times by the Egyptians, the Chinese and different Mediterranean civilizations.
The name "aloe" is thought to have originated from the Arabic word "alloeh" which translates as "shining bitter substance." In Latin the name "vera" means "true." In Ayurvedic medicine it is sometimes referred to as "kathalai" and was mentioned in ancient Indian texts for its properties as an antiparasitic, skin healer and as a rejuvenative plant for the liver and reproductive systems.
Most modern-day people know what aloe is or have at least heard of it. Here on this page, we will discuss some of aloe's attributes as a dietary supplement and certain elements of the gel that make it a superhealthy addition to most any blended drink.
What is Aloe Vera?
There are many different types of aloe vera growing all over the world in dry and subtropical locations, but the original wild version is suspected to have come from desert regions of Africa.
Chiefly, the one used most commonly for medicinal purposes is Aloe barbadensis, or also called Aloe barbadensis Miller. It is an extremely hardy succulent that can go for long periods of time without water, with developed storage techniques that capture water within its matrix of unique long-chain polysaccharides. Because of these characteristics, the aloe plant can grow in a variety of climatic conditions, most prolifically in zones 8 -11.
The Aloe barbadensis species is said to be the most medicinal of all the varieties. Although, we believe and have personally experienced other species (particularly some growing on the coast of California), that seem to possess strong therapeutic qualities.
There are quite a few aloe hybrids that are used for ornamental and landscape purposes which are likely not as effective as most do not have the stabilized gel in the center of the leaf, which is necessary for the aloe plant's mentioned health benefits.
Aloe Vera Benefits
Soothing Digestive Aid and Natural Laxative
There are many foods and herbs that have laxative effects on the digestive system, ranging from mild to more intense in nature. They can be particularly useful when you find yourself a bit backed up in the bowel movement department and a good way to find relief from constipation without having to use harsh over the counter drugs or other medications.
Consuming aloe vera juice, gel or powder is considered to be a gentle and mild laxative that also helps to sooth, hydrate and nourish the intestines and can be an especially valuable food for alleviating and healing conditions such as colitis, ulcers, IBS, acid reflux and diverticulitis.
We believe that a properly functioning digestive tract, free from obstructions, is the foundation for optimum health and wellness. This is the system that breaks down the nutrients and life-force from the food we consume, providing energy to all the bodily systems. Remember, you aren't what you eat, you are what you digest and assimilate!
Aloe is rich in glucomannans, a water-soluble polysaccharide that is also a source of dietary fiber and is mainly found in the gel portion of the leaf. It acts as a food thickener and emulsifying agent when blended, much the same way that chia seeds and seaweeds thicken foods, desserts and drinks. The glucomannan constituents in aloe contribute to its laxative effects.
There are also a number of anthraquinone compounds in the leaf that also have cathartic effects. Notably one of them is aloin, which we will discuss further on this page. Aloin is a bitter latex-like material that, in small amounts, can be helpful for the digestive system and is known to stimulate mucus secretions and increase intestinal peristalsis.
Other anthraquinones, like emodin, are also interestingly found in other purgatives like senna, rhubarb and cascara sagrada, which exhibit similar bowel-stimulating properties. Aloe's emodin content is found in the gel as well as the sap and leaves.
Aloe Helps in Detoxification and Weight Loss
Aloe's digestion enhancing and bowel normalizing effects also help to detoxify the body and can assist in the elimination of undigested waste material as well as toxins. For this reason, aloe is often promoted as an effective supplementary addition to the diet for those wanting to lose excess body weight.
Increases Healthy Micro-Flora and Alkalizes the Body
Mannose is another anti-fungal type polysaccharide nutrient found in aloe gel that can be useful for eradicating unfriendly yeast overgrowth in the colon. Additionally, aloe acts as a prebiotic which helps the proliferation of other friendly micro-flora and probiotic organisms present in the gut. The polysaccharides in aloe vera gel are also beneficial for providing a protective mucous lining in the digestive tract.
Aloe vera benefits also assist in balancing body pH, providing a more alkaline environment which can be helpful for discouraging acidic-thriving gut microbiota. It is thus a great superfood for those with candida (*) and helps to counteract the effects of a diet high in animal-based proteins that can often lead to an overly acidic system. Aloe can also be very soothing for associated conditions such as indigestion and heartburn.
Polysaccharides that Help Boost the Immune System
Used internally aloe vera can be very beneficial for maintaining a healthy immune system. This is due to a number of easily digested mannose polysaccharides or long chain sugars like the glucomannans that appear in the bloodstream where they offer immuno-regulating actions.
One particular polysaccharide, called acemannan, stimulates the production of macrophages, a type of white blood cell that plays a significant role in immune response. Acemannan is known to produce immune helpers like interleukin and interferon which can inhibit viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungus.
Polysaccharides are also rich in other superfoods like noni and a number of medicinal mushrooms. And like the mushrooms: chaga, reishi and coriolus, aloe vera is considered an immune building adaptogen as it activates immune defense and adaptive mechanisms that make it easier to deal with physical, environmental or emotional stress in our daily lives.
Aloe stimulates the liver to produce more glutathione, a master antioxidant and detoxifying substance.
Potent Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antiseptic and Anti-Inflammatory
Aloe vera is an antiviral, antibacterial, analgesic, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiseptic agent composed of various compounds like emodin, saponins, anthraquinones, fatty acids, sulfur, salicylic acid and phenols which are substances that provide antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity when used both externally as well as internally.
Consuming the gel, powder or juice has been proven in scientific research to be very helpful for its effects as an anti-inflammatory for related conditions like arthritis, ulcers and the inflammatory response associated with cardiovascular diseases.
One study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology states, "These results demonstrated that the extracts of aloe vera gel have anti-inflammatory activity and suggested its inhibitory action on the arachidonic acid pathway via cyclooxygenase." The inhibition of COX (cyclooxygenase) is known to provide relief from the symptoms of inflammation and pain in the body.
Raw aloe is furthermore a nourishing food for healthy joints, not only because of its effects at reducing inflammation, but also because aloe contains beneficial phytonutrients like sulfur-based MSM, which helps to keep the joints flexible and strong.
Using 100% Raw Aloe
To receive the maximum health benefits, it is important to purchase or consume 100% "raw" aloe vera gel, juice, powder or filleted fresh leaves. This is because many aloe's on the market use high heat pasteurization techniques that destroy many polysaccharides, enzymes and other active nutrients. Some also include other ingredients and fillers.
Beautifies and Heals the Skin
Not only does aloe soften and beautify the skin when applied directly, but aloe also heals from the inside out and positively effects the health of the skin layer when used internally. Aloe's potential cleansing effects on the liver, can naturally assist in providing this skin clearing influence.
In addition, aloe's high water content, polysaccharides and lignins also lubricate and moisturize the internal tissues of the body which keep the skin cells well hydrated. The high MSM-based sulfur content additionally helps to build keratin and collagen, two compounds essential for healthy nails, hair as well as the skin.
Of course, aloe is famous for its use as an external skin treatment for a variety of conditions including eczema, rashes, stings, psoriasis and many other skin disorders. The lignin compounds in the gel provide deep penetrative effects at soothing and healing wounds, itchy dry skin and burns when used topically.
The polysaccharides, anthraquinones, saponins, sulfur as well as gibberellin, a glycolic and growth hormone, all help to improve wound healing, increase collagen synthesis, lessen pain, reduce inflammation, decrease scar tissue and disinfect the affected area.
If you have ever put pure aloe on your face, it is like getting a face lift as you feel it simultaneously moisturize and tighten the skin. It is especially great to use after spending time outdoors in the sun. Aloe vera gel has been reported to have a protective effect against radiation damage to the skin and was used extensively in Japan by those recovering from radiation exposure after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.
Aloe is thought to have been the secret to Cleopatra's renowned beauty as she was documented to have applied it directly to her skin on a regular basis.
Vitamins, Minerals and Fatty Acids
Pure aloe gel contains the minerals sulfur, calcium, selenium, magnesium, chromium, copper and zinc as well as vitamins A, C, E and some B vitamins. (It is not a good source of B-12 as some claim.) Raw aloe is rich in living enzymes and is also a source of amino acids and fatty acids.
Concerns About Aloin Toxicity
In recent years there has been some controversy in the health food world about the potential toxicity of a substance called "aloin" or sometimes called "aloe latex", a yellow sap-like material that separates the inner gel portion of the leaf from the green rind outer layer.
Aloin, one of the anthraquinone glycosides in aloe vera, is a naturally occurring yellow pigment that has purgative properties or strong laxative effects on the bowels and helps create softer stools. However, consuming too much aloin over a period of time is not a good idea and has been shown to be too harsh on the digestive system in large amounts.
Aloin was used as a common ingredient in over the counter laxative drugs, but was banned in 2002 by the FDA as no longer "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS).
It is important to note that high concentrations of aloin have only been found in some aloe vera juice products. Aloe vera juice is sometimes produced by using the whole leaf rather than just the inner gel fillet. The straight gel is known to contain very little aloin and is usually rinsed in water to remove it.
However, because of these health concerns, there are now health and safety standards set by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC) that verify and test aloe products and provide the IASC seal of approval on the label.
Some aloe products filter their aloe juice using a charcoal and diatomaceous earth filtration process and others simply use the inner fillet and remove any remaining aloin to meet the required limit for health and safety standards.
How to Fillet Fresh Aloe and Remove the Aloin
Fresh aloe is a superior choice for consumption in drinks and smoothies. Whether you buy fresh aloe leaves or grow your own you will need to know "how to fillet" your leaves. This is achieved by cutting off both ends of the aloe leaf with a pair of kitchen scissors.
- Next, you will cut off along the vertical pointy edges.
- Now you are ready to fillet out the clear inner gel.
- Hold your leaf down on a chopping board and use a knife to slice just above the green layer, continue all the way to the end of your leaf.
- Next, turn your leaf over with the gel side exposed and repeat the previous step.
- Now you will have a whole thick gelatinous mass which you can soak in pure water to remove any possible aloin. Aloin is easy to see as it is yellow and will usually turn your water yellow if it is present.
We believe some aloin content can be favorable, as long as you don't over consume it for long periods of time. It has a bitter taste that in some cases can be quite beneficial to the digestive tract. It is also significant to remember that plant-derived remedies containing aloin and other "anthraquinones" have been used medicinally for centuries by many cultures around the world.
Types of Aloe
We always suggest using pure raw aloe vera products that are not high heat pasteurized. In addition, it is good to make sure your aloe does not contain other ingredients, fillers or fragrances that are common when using it for topical treatment.
- Aloe Gel - This is the material in the center of the leaf that is cold pressed into a translucent thick pourable gel.
- Aloe Juice - Most pure aloe juice is made using the entire leaf and then removing the aloin content.
- Aloe Powder - This is the whole leaf, with some aloin removed, ground into a powder. Some powders contain Aloe ferox, an African species with more potent purgative effects and bitter components.
How to Use
Aloe vera can be considered both a "medicine" and a "food." We enjoy the fresh gel in smoothies and blended drinks, particularly in the hot summer months as it is refreshing and cooling to the body.
It is also appropriate to use when doing a juice fast or cleanse to help promote the detoxification process. It is additionally beneficial when using zeolite or activated charcoal to prevent constipation that sometimes results from using these supplements.
Aloe doesn't have a strong flavor and is easy to blend into most recipes and beverages. We always recommend using high quality 100% pure, raw, organic aloe vera gel, powder or juice for the greatest health benefits.
And, of course, the best aloe is "fresh aloe" that is filleted and soaked to remove most of the aloin content. You can purchase fresh organic aloe leaves online from many quality distributors.
For an easy nutritious energy drink blend coconut water, blue green algae powder, Vitamineral Green and aloe vera gel in a blender, serve in a cocktail glass.
Some people with sensitive skin get an immediate but temporary redness and sometimes a burning sensation after using pure aloe gel topically. Excessive internal use may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. Avoid consuming aloe vera when pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your physician or health care provider before using aloe if you have a serious medical condition or are taking prescription medications.
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AloeVita Blog
Montag, 5. Dezember 2011
Aloe Vera - Gesundheit für Mensch und Tier
(Quelle: "Aloe - die Pflanze die pflegt und heilt" von Marc Schweizer)
Seit dem 16. Jahrhundert stellen die auf Jamaika ansässigen Engländer ein in der Tiermedizin verwendetes Präparat auf Aloe-Basis unter dem Namen >>AloeCaballin >Die Aloe Vera gehört zu den Therapiemitteln mit dem breitesten Wirkungsspektrum, das ich kenne. >Creatures in Our Care >1975 veröffentlichte der Tierarzt Dr. Robert Northway de Van Nuys aus Kalifornien, einen Bericht über die Behandlung von 42 Hunden, 25 Katzen und 4 Pferden mit stabilisierter Aloe Vera. Die Tiere litten unter Pilzkrankheiten (Favuspilz), Ohrenentzündung, atopischen Allergien* und fungösen, schwammigen Infekten. In 72 der 76 behandelten Fälle erzielte Dr. Northway ebenso gute oder bessere Resultate wie mit klassischen Therapien. Auch bei Rennpferden, die wegen Sehnen- und Gelenkentzündungen mit Aloepräparaten behandelt wurden, waren die Erfolge ausgezeichnet. > Mein kleiner Yorkshire Terrier reagiert auf einige Grassorten allergisch, die Juckreiz und am Bauch Wunden verursachen, sobald er auf dem Land im Freien herumläuft. Er kratzt diese Stellen dauernd und reißt dabei die Haare büschelweise aus, bis an einige Stellen das rohe Fleisch zu sehen ist. Eines Tages hat mir ein Freund von der Aloe erzählt. Ich habe das Pflanzengel auf die entzündeten Stellen aufgetragen. Der Juckreiz hat schnell nachgelassen. Ich habe ihn weiter mit dem stabilisierten Gel eingerieben; vier Tage später waren die Wunden verschwunden. Auf den Rat meines Freundes hin habe ich meinen Hund weiter mit einer Creme auf Aloe-Basis behandelt, mit dem Resultat, dass die Haare meines kleinen Yorkshire drei Wochen später wieder anfingen, nachzuwachsen. > Nachdem ich eine ganze Reihe von Berichten über die Erfolge gelesen hatte, die bei der Behandlung verschiedener Erkrankungen mit Aloe erzielt wurden, wollte ich die Pflanze auch bei den Tieren ausprobieren. In der Veterinärschule sprachen meine Professoren von der Aloe wie von einem folkloristischen, nicht ganz ernst zu nehmenden Medikament, das nach empirischen Methoden von Naturheilern gebraucht wird, über das seltsame Anekdoten kursieren, das aber außer einer lindernden Wirkung bei oberflächlichen Verbrennungen oder leichten Hauterkrankungen im Grunde vollkommen wirkungslos ist. Es wurde auch erwähnt, dass die Farmer im Westen diese Pflanze zur Behandlung von Pferden und Kühen benutzen, aber es gab so gut wie keine Unterlagen über dieses Thema. Sicher schien, dass die Anwendung der Aloe außer in heißen trockenen Gebieten, wo sie wild wächst, wenig verbreitet ist, weil das aus ihren Blättern gewonnene Gel leicht oxydiert und sehr schnell verdirbt. Am Ende meines Studiums war das alles, was ich über die Aloe wusste. Später, als ich mich bei der Ausübung meines Berufes mit der holistischen* Medizin beschäftigte, bin ich oft auf Artikel gestoßen, in denen man sich auf die Aloe bezog. Ich beschloß daher, mich näher mit dieser Pflanze zu befassen.
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