prcd-PRA Test
Reliable identification of dogs that do not carry disease genes is the key to eliminating inherited recessive diseases, like prcd-PRA. The OptiGen prcd test for American Eskimo Dogs provides almost 100% identification of these dogs. Called "genetically clear", "noncarriers" or, more formally, "homozygous normals," such dogs pass the normal gene on to all their pups with a very high probability - which means that their pups have a very low risk of being affected with prcd. These "clear" dogs can be bred to any mate - even to a prcd-affected dog that may be a desirable breeding prospect for other reasons.
Homozygous means both copies of the gene in your dog are the SAME - both normal or both prcd. A carrier has one normal and one prcd gene.
The OptiGen prcd test is done on a small sample of blood from the dog. The test analyzes the specific DNA mutation causing prcd-PRA. The OptiGen test detects the mutant, abnormal gene copy and the normal gene copy. The result of the test is a genotype and allows separation of dogs into three groups: Normal/Clear (homozygous normal), Carrier (heterozygous) and Affected (homozygous mutant).
Significance For Breeding
Risk of prcd Disease
Questions and Answers:
- Is there more than one type of PRA in American Eskimo Dogs?
The only known form of inherited PRA in American Eskimo Dogs is prcd-PRA. Other retinal diseases can be confused with prcd-PRA. For example, multi-focal retinopathy is a non-inherited disease seen in this breed. Multi-focal retinopathy is usually asymmetric (different symptoms in each eye), shows foci of what appears to be healed inflammation, and can cause a generalized retinal atrophy. Also, cases of acquired retinal disease due to various non-genetic causes like trauma, active work, etc., can be confused with PRA. The OptiGen prcd-PRA test will accurately distinguish dogs with acquired disease or multi-focal retinopathy from truly prcd-PRA affected dogs.
American Eskimo Dogs are typically diagnosed with prcd-PRA around 4-6 years of age. As more dogs are examined, it’s likely that even younger and older dogs will be discovered showing first signs of prcd-PRA. The progression of PRA in this breed can be quite slow, sometimes allowing some useful vision even late in life.
There is no definitive estimate of the frequency of PRA in American Eskimo Dogs, although CERF data give some indication of the frequency relative to other breeds. CERF data from 1991-1999 were compiled by the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) Genetics Committee to give frequencies of reported eye disease diagnoses for each breed. Among American Eskimo Dogs with CERF exams, almost 9% have retinal atrophy – either generalized or suspicious. For comparison, the Portuguese Water Dog is listed at 2.3 % with retinal atrophy and OptiGen finds 3.8% of tested dogs are genetically affected and 35% are genetically carrier. At the higher end, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is listed at 6.9% with retinal atrophy and OptiGen finds 7.0% of tested dogs are genetically affected and 45% are genetically carrier. There is certainly bias in both the CERF and OptiGen estimates due to voluntary testing, non-random sampling, and extent to which the breed is CERF examined. All the same, the two estimates do correlate a high or a low incidence.
So far, there are no cases of false negatives in the test used on American Eskimo Dogs. However, as larger numbers of dogs are tested, it is possible that such a case will be identified. It is also possible that a few will be discovered with a retinal disease that is not genetic prcd-PRA. They might have another, rare form of PRA or an acquired retinal degenerative disorder. OptiGen will follow-up on any American Eskimo Dog that is diagnosed with some type of PRA but does not test as genetically affected. And, so far there is no known case of a false positive in American Eskimo Dogs. That means - we have not yet seen a genetically carrier dog that might actually be genetically normal/clear, nor a genetically affected dog that might actually be carrier or even normal. The prcd mutation test provides highly accurate results.
OptiGen test results should be used in a responsible breeding program. The genetic status of each breeding dog should be known. Carrier and affected dogs with other desirable traits can be bred safely, but only to a genetically “normal/clear” dog in order to prevent prcd-PRA disease. There is no logical reason to eliminate carrier or affected dogs from a breeding program, if they are valued dogs. Please return to the "prcd- PRA Test - General Information" for more on breeding strategies.
Almost one hundred American Eskimo Dogs from North American multi-generation pedigrees, including many PRA affecteds, were studied to develop and validate this test. Blood samples from these dogs were submitted to the research laboratory at Cornell University. Extensive analysis of many DNA markers linked to the prcd gene proved that the disease in this breed is caused by the prcd gene. Dogs used in this study were registered at different size standards (Standard, Miniature and Toy), and with both registries (UKC and AKC). The identity of prcd-PRA in these pedigrees reflects their common ancestry, as is well known, and is confirmed by pedigree analyses. To the best of our knowledge, the OptiGen test can be used on purebred, registered American Eskimo Dogs worldwide.
Financial support for this research conducted in the laboratories of Drs. Gregory Acland and Gustavo Aguirre at The James A. Baker Institute, Cornell University, was provided by The Morris Animal Foundation/The Seeing Eye, Inc., The National Institutes of Health, and The Foundation Fighting Blindness. OptiGen, LLC, collaborated with screening and final refinements for a commercial test.
Universities routinely review research discoveries made by their faculty and staff for commercial value. When appropriate, the discovery is patented and use of the patent is licensed for business purposes. Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. owns the patent for all DNA-based genetic tests for prcd-PRA. (1998 - prcd-PRA US Patent No. 5,804,388; prcd-PRA Canadian Patent No. CA2306194; prcd-PRA U.K. Patent No. 2 341 926) Since 1998, OptiGen, LLC, has had an exclusive license arrangement with Cornell Research Foundation to commercialize the test.
The price applied to a test reflects the entire cost of performing the test, including laboratory, office and administrative staff inputs and materials used, and the infrastructure to ensure quality control, reliability and stability of the business. The price also includes a portion for obligatory royalty payments to Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. OptiGen’s price range for various tests is $80 to $195 per test.
American eskimo hund
- Maintenance: Both the American Eskimo Dog and Samoyed will require moderate maintenance. Their grooming needs are somewhat demanding and they fit well for owners who are willing to spend some time and money on upkeep.
- Shedding: Both the American Eskimo Dog and Samoyed shed frequently. Be prepared to vacuum often. Brushing will reduce shedding as well as make the coats softer and cleaner.
- Training: Training the Samoyed will be easier , and will be great for first-time owners or owners who like dogs willing to obey and listen well quickly. Owners will need more patience and perseverance to train the American Eskimo Dog and might need to seek out obedience schools.
- Adaptability: The Samoyed has better adaptability . It can better respond and alter itself to its environment.
- Exercise Needs: Both the American Eskimo Dog and Samoyed will require regular exercise. These dogs will need to be fairly active to maintain their fitness. Trips to the dog park are a great idea.
- For New Owners: The American Eskimo Dog is better suited for new owners .
- With Kids: Both the American Eskimo Dog and Samoyed are good with kids. They can grow up with them and become great family pets.
Adopt This Breed
Breed Info
Eskimo Spitz, American Spitz, German Spitz, and Eskie
Samoyedskaya, Bjelkier, Samoiedskaya Sobaka, Nenetskaya Laika, Smiley, and Sammy
United States and Germany
The American Eskimo Dog is a medium purebred known for being alert, energetic, friendly, independent, intelligent, and protective. The most common colors for American Eskimo Dogs are . To keep it healthy, it will need to get exercise regularly. Known to be multi-talented, the American Eskimo Dog participates in a wide variety of activities such as agility, competitive obedience, guarding, and narcotics detection.
The Samoyed is a large purebred known for being alert, cheerful, energetic, friendly, gentle, independent, intelligent, lively, loyal, playful, and social. The most common colors for Samoyeds are . To keep it healthy, it will need to get exercise regularly. Known to be multi-talented, the Samoyed participates in a wide variety of activities such as carting, herding, and sledding.
Data sourced from the American Kennel Club.
- Dense
- Long
- Short
- Thick
- Dense
- Harsh and Rough
- Long
- Short
- Thick
- Seasonal
- Non-Sporting
Size and Life Expectancy
- Alert
- Energetic
- Friendly
- Independent
- Intelligent
- Protective
- Alert
- Cheerful
- Energetic
- Friendly
- Gentle
- Independent
- Intelligent
- Lively
- Loyal
- Playful
- Social
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American Eskimo Dog
Information and Pictures
Chloe the full-grown American Eskimo
Other Names
- American Eskimo Spitz
- American Spitz
- Eskie
- Miniature Eskimo Dog
- Spitz
- Standard Eskimo Dog
- Toy Eskimo Dog
uh-MAIR-ih-kuhn ES-kuh-moh dawg
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The American Eskimo is a beautiful, small to medium-size Nordic-type dog that looks like a miniature Samoyed. There are three varieties: toy, miniature and standard. That means there is an Eskie for all interests and house sizes. The American Eskimo has a wedge-shaped head with muzzle and skull about the same length. It has erect, triangular-shaped ears, and a heavily plumed tail curled over the back. Its neck is well carried and the topline good and level. Good legs and feet allow the Eskie to trot with bold, energetic action. The profuse coat is always white, or white with biscuit or cream markings. Its skin is pink or gray. Black is the preferred color of its eyelids, gums, nose and pads. The coat is heavy around the neck, creating a ruff or mane, especially in males. The breed is slightly longer than it is tall. The coat of the American Eskimo should not curl or wave; the undercoat should be thick and plush with the harsher outer coat growing up through it. No colors other than those described above are allowed. The eyes must not be blue and no Eskie may be shown if it is under 9 inches (23 cm) or over 19 inches (48 cm).
The American Eskimo is an affectionate, loving dog. Hardy and playful, they are excellent with children. Charming and alert. Because of the dog's high intelligence and its willingness to please, it is easy to train and often ranks among the top scorers in obedience trials. American Eskimos like to work. They are naturally wary of strangers, but once introduced they become instant friends. Eskimos need to be part of the family with a firm, consistent, confident pack leader. If you allow the dog to believe he is the ruler of your home, many varying degrees of behavior issues will arise, Including but not limited to, separation anxiety, obsessive barking, dog aggressiveness, willfulness and guarding. Without enough mental and physical exercise, they can become hyperactive and high strung, spinning in circles. Small dogs have a higher tendency to become the pack leader over humans, because they are small and cute, and oftentimes the humans are oblivious as to what has happened. Read Small Dog Syndrome to find out more.
Height, Weight
Toy: 9 - 12 inches (23 – 30 cm) 6 - 10 pounds (2.4 - 4.5 kg)
Miniature: over 12 (30 cm) up to 15 inches (38 cm) 10 - 20 pounds (4.5 – 9 kg)
Standard: over 15 inches (38 cm) up to 19 inches (48 cm) 18 - 35 pounds (8kg - 16kg)
Health Problems
Prone to hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy. Pay close attention to the eyes and tear ducts. Some are allergic to fleas. This breed can gain weight easily if it does not get enough exercise and/or is overfed.
Living Conditions
The American Eskimo will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. It is very active indoors and a small yard will be sufficient.
The American Eskimo needs to be taken on a long daily walk. It will enjoy a safely enclosed yard where it can run free, however it will still need to be taken out for a pack walk to satisfy its migration instinct.
Life Expectancy
About 15 or more years
Litter Size
Average of 5 puppies
The thick, snowy white coat is easy to groom. Brush with a firm bristle brush twice a week. It should be brushed daily when it is shedding. This breed is an average shedder.
The American Eskimo is one of the Spitz families of Nordic breeds. It is closely related to the white German Spitz. German Spitzes were eventually brought to America, where the name changed to American Eskimo Dog due to the widespread anti-German feelings during World War I. Today they are known as a separate breed, but are closely related to the German Spitz. The Samoyed, the white Keeshond the white Pomeranian and the white Italian Spitz are also said to be related to the American Eskimo Dog. Evidence suggests that "White Spitz" dogs were first brought to the United States by German settlers and despite the name, have nothing to do with the Eskimo culture. The name came about in 1913 when Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Hall first registered the breed with the UKC (United Kennel Club). Their kennel name was "American Eskimo," which became the name of the breed. In 1969 the National American Eskimo Dog Association was formed and the studbooks were closed. The American Eskimo Dog Club of America was formed in 1985 for the purpose of achieving AKC recognition. The AKC recognized the American Eskimo Dog on July 1, 1995. The American Eskimo was originally bred to be a multi-purpose working dog of the farm. It is an intelligent dog that is agile, has a strong desire to please, is a thinking breed and has excellent herding instincts. Some of the American Eskimo's talents are herding, watchdog, guarding, narcotics detection, agility, competitive obedience and performing tricks.
Northern, AKC Non-Sporting
- ACA = American Canine Association Inc.
- ACR = American Canine Registry
- AKC = American Kennel Club
- APRI = America's Pet Registry, Inc.
- CKC = Continental Kennel Club
- DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.
- NAPR = North American Purebred Registry, Inc
- NKC = National Kennel Club
- UKC = United Kennel Club
Buddy the American Eskimo puppy at 5 months old
"This is a picture that I took of my 2 American Eskimo Spitz dogs. They are brother and sister from the same litter. There is about an 11-lb. difference in them. The girl, Dutchess (right) looks like a miniature and the boy Duke, (left) looks like a standard. They are 10 months old in this picture."
Dewey the fluffy American Eskimo dog at 4 years old
Chloe the full-grown American Eskimo
Photo courtesy of Yoshi's Kennel
"Aurora is my amazing American Eskimo puppy. Her dad is a mini and her mom is a standard. So I'm looking forward to seeing how big she'll be. I bought her from the people on this site so I hope she was bred well and is legit (if that makes sense). She's my first dog and is nothing short of incredible. I love to take her to parks with creeks she can swim in and things she can climb. She'll follow me anywhere and climb over anything to get to me. I've never seen anything about Cesar Millan. All the training I do I have learned from this site. She waits at the door until I tell her to come for her walks. She won't get out of the car until I let her (when I saw the picture of Spencer and Bruno I knew I needed her to be like that). or. if she sees someone she just has to bark at. Hopefully I can control that soon. If I tell her 'quiet' before she notices someone she is usually pretty calm. Maybe lets out a 'ruff' but doesn't bark her head off. If she sees it first it's done. I'll tell her quiet over and over and she just won't stop. Kinda irritating. I know it's in her blood to bark, though. She's very easy to train. She's jumping through hoops, playing dead. I even taught her to curtsy. She learns every new trick instantly. Incredibly smart. Her best friend is a Pitbull / Lab mix. He's pretty gentle with her. Luckily she didn't pick up any of his bad habits like stealing socks or chewing coins just to annoy you. We'll let them play in a field and sometimes he runs off and she chases. I don't like her to get out of my sight. All I have to do is yell her name so she can hear me and she instantly comes back. She'll listen to my every command but sometimes she doesn't come with the first call to other people. Normally depending on what she's doing. If she's asleep they might have to tell her to come a couple times. She'll always do it, though. I want to thank you for all the help you and your family have been to me and my roommates raising our dogs. With her being my first dog I look to your site for nearly everything. I feel as I'm training her pretty well. But as a first time owner I have made some mistakes. With all the interest I have in her my roommates even got their Labrabull heeling on his leash. and like I said playing in a field not on his leash. So, once again, THANK YOU!"
Aurora the American Eskimo dog as a puppy
Aurora the American Eskimo dog as a puppy
Aurora the American Eskimo dog as a puppy
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American akita
En American Akita er en intelligent og lærenem hund, som er selvsikker og psykisk stærk - den kræver en kærlig men yderst konsekvent opdragelse. Den er vagtsom og passer på sin familie, som den også har stort behov for at være sammen med. Den gør ikke ofte. Den er venlig og pålidelig over for mennesker men over for andre hunde kan den vise et dominerende temperament.
American Akita er en hund, som kræver en ejer, der er rolig, som giver tydelige anvisninger og forstår at udfordre dens intelligens. Det er en fysisk stærk hund, som både kræver motion og mentale udfordringer i dagligdagen.
American Akita er ikke kendt for at være en hyperaktiv race, men den kan både klatre og grave, så et sikkert indhegnet område er nødvendigt. Den har brug for at være en integreret del af familien og er ikke én hund, der ynder at blive holdt i kenneler. De fleste American Akita´er har et stærkt jagtinstinkt og bør ikke løbe frit. Denne store hund elsker at lege og kan ligefrem være fjollet - frem for alt andet trives de ved menneskelig kontakt.
Dobbeltpels. Underulden er tyk, blød og tæt og kortere end yderpelsen, som er lige, grov til stiv og står noget ud fra kroppen. Hårlaget er kort på hovedet, nederst på benene og på ørerne. Hårenes længde på manke og kryds er ca. 5 cm - altså en smule længere end på resten af kroppen - undtagen på halen, hvor pelsen er længst og mest rigelig.
En American Akita reagerer bedst på træning med gensidig respekt og positive træningsteknikker, der er afhængige af motivation snarere end magt. Konsekvent opdragelse er et must.
66-71 cm for hanner 61-66 for tæver
34-59 kg for hanner 32-45 kg for tæver
Alle farver accepteres, klare og rene, med eller uden sort maske
Historisk har American Akita samme oprindelse som den Japanske Akita, men racen er videreudviklet i USA. Under Anden Verdenskrig (1939-1945) var det almindeligt at bruge pelsen fra hunde i militær udrustning. Politiet beordrede indfangning og konfiskation af alle andre hunde end Schæferhundene, der blev brugt til militære formål. Nogle Akita-beundrere søgte at slippe uden om denne ordre ved at krydse deres hunde med Schæferhunde. Ved afslutningen af Anden Verdenskrig var Akita´erne drastisk reduceret i antal, men som tre forskellige typer. Mange Akita´er af den såkaldte Dewa-linje, hvis træk bar præg af indflydelsen fra Mastiff og Schæferhund, blev bragt til USA af medlemmer af de amerikanske styrker. Akita´erne, som var intelligente og i stand til at tilpasse sig forskellige omgivelser, fascinerede opdrættere i USA, og linjen blev videreudviklet med et voksende antal opdrættere og stor vækst i popularitet. The Akita Club of America blev etableret i 1956, og American Kennel Club (AKC) godkendte racen i oktober 1972. På det tidspunkt havde AKC og JKC (Japan Kennel Club) imidlertid ingen gensidige aftaler om accept af hinandens stamtavler, og derfor var døren lukket for indførsel af de nye blodlinjer fra Japan. Af den grund blev Akita´erne i USA betydeligt forskellige fra Akita´erne i oprindelseslandet Japan. Racen udviklede sig som en særlig type i USA, uændret i karakteristiske træk og type siden 1955, hvad der stod i skarp kontrast til de japanske Akita?er.
American akita HVALPE TIL SALG
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Amerikansk Eskimo hund
Amerikansk Eskimo hund er en nordlig rase (spisshunder). Spisshunder kalles ogsе noen ganger for spits.
Amerikansk Eskimo hund har dens opphav fra Tyskland.
Amerikansk Eskimo hund er en meget oppvakt renraset hund. Mental stimulering er en nшdvendighet for trivselen.
Amerikansk Eskimo hund kan rшyte moderat. Hunderasen krever moderat med pleie av pelsen.
Amerikansk Eskimo hund er meget lettlжrt og ikke spesielt avansert е oppdra. Denne renraset hund kan passe som fшrstegangshund ved grundige forberedelser. Amerikansk Eskimo hund er en overfшlsom hund og den er derfor lett mottagelig for klikkertrening. Dette er ganske energiske dyr og har ingen problemer е bli med pе lange og krevende turer. Rasehunden krever moderat fysisk fostring.
Normalt ikke aggressiv mot andre hunder. Ingen hunder bшr vжre alene med barn, men rasen blir omtalt som relativt barnevennlig. Disse hundene har ingen overdrevne predatoriske instinkter i kontrast til andre rasehunder.
Enkelte hunder av rasen kan bjeffe mye, men tidlig trening vil eliminere problemer i forbindelse med dette. Disse raser vil som regel ule. De kan trenes til е moderere seg, men det ligger i deres natur е ule. Disse hundene kan hеndtere vinter og kulde svжrt bra. De kan vжre meget lekne dersom de blir oppmuntret til det. Har middels vandrelyst.
Amerikansk Eskimo hund og kennelklubber: American Kennel Club har plasert rasehunden i gruppen «ikke-sportslige hunder». United Kennel Club klassifiserer rasehunden som «nordlig raser». Canadian Kennel Club har gruppert rasehunden som «toy».
Helseproblemer hos amerikansk eskimo hund: Beklageligvis kan noen fе vanskeligheter med helsen. Amerikansk Eskimo hund er en renraset hund som har vanskeligheter med hoftedysplasi. Hoftedysplasi kan i tillegg gi andre uheldige bivirkninger, slik som lidelse i ryggen. Denne rasehunden kan fе en lidelse som heter PRA. Hunder som lider av denne lidelse kan bli blinde. Dette er en lidelse som ikke kan behandles.
Rasehundens fasong: Amerikansk Eskimo hund er en passe stor renraset hund. Hannhundene kan bli 23 til 48 cm hшy. Tispene kan bli 23 til 48 cm hшy. Hannhundene er 3 til 16 kg i voksen alder. Tispene kan veie fra 3 til 16 kg i voksen alder. Rasehunden har mellomstore hengende шrer. Beina er typisk normalt lange. Amerikansk Eskimo hund har en ganske vanlig kroppsanatomi. Halen er kort og kurvet. Den har en ganske moderat lengde pе snuten. Pelsen pе amerikansk eskimo hund er halvlang. Amerikansk Eskimo hund et til forveksling lik pе en mеte pе en ulv.
Ekstra info om rasehunden: Prognostisert еr е leve for en amerikansk eskimo hund er 15 til 18 еr. Antall valper i kullet er fra 2 til 6 valper. Rasehunden er typisk ikke sе avansert е lete frem i annonser. Amerikansk Eskimo hund er ogsе kjent som Spitz, Eskie. Det engelske kallenavnet pе rasehunden er American Eskimo Dog.
Hunderase standard: Eksakte norske standarder ligger i den autentiske beskrivelse av hunderasen. Start en samtale med flere hunde-eiere og kennelklubben av amerikansk eskimo hund for info om rasen.
American Eskimo Dog
American Eskimo Dog дr spetshundar. Spetshundar kallat дven fцr spets.
American Eskimo Dog har sitt ursprung frеn Tyskland.
American Eskimo Dog дr en vдldigt oppvakt renraset hund. Mental stimulans дr ett mеste fцr vдlfдrd.
American Eskimo Dog skjul mеttlig. Hundrasen krдver mеttlig med pleie av pelsen.
American Eskimo Dog дr vдldigt lдtt att lдra och inte problem цka. Detta дr en bra hund for en oerfaren hundeeier. American Eskimo Dog дr en цverkдnslig hund och det дr dдrfцr lдtt dе utbildning. Detta дr ganska energisk djur och har inga problem att gе den lеnga och krдvande vandringar. Rasehunden krдver mеttlig idrott.
Normalt inte aggressiv mot andra hundar. Dessa hundar дr barnvдnlig och дr utmдrkt i barnfamiljer. Dessa hundar har ingen цverdriven predatoriske instinkter i motsats till andra rashundar.
Dessa hundar дr kдnda fцr att skдlla mycket och hцgt. Disse raser kommer i allmдnhet tjut. De kan utbildas till mеttliga, men det ligger i deras natur att tjut. Dessa hundar kan hantera extrem kyla mycket bra. De kan vara , om de uppmanas att gцra det.
American Eskimo Dog och kennelklubbar: American Kennel Club har lagt till rasehunden i grupp «ikke-sportsliga hundar». United Kennel Club klassificera rasehunden som «nordliga raser». Canadian Kennel Club grupperade rasehunden som «toy».
Hдlsoproblem hos american eskimo dog: Tyvдrr kan en hel del fе hдlsoproblem. American Eskimo Dog дr en renraset hund som har svеrt hoftedyslepsi. Bland de stцrre rashundar дr tyvдrr hoftedyslepsi en typisk sjukdom. Den hдr rasehunden har ofta en PRA sjukdom. Resultatet blir ofta att hunden дr blind. Progressiv retinal atropi fцrsvagar bilateral degeneration av nдthinnan.
Rashundens form: American Eskimo Dog дr en great fit renraset hund. Pojkar дr sе hцg som 23 til 48 cm hшy. Flickor дr sе hцg som 23 til 48 cm hшy. Pojkar kan vдga frеn 3 til 16 kg tung nдr den дr full-vдxt. Flickor vдger 3 til 16 kg tung nдr den дr full-vдxt. Rasehunden har stora hengende цron. Benen дr typiskt normalt lеng. American Eskimo Dog har en ganska gemensamma anatomi. Halen дr kort och svдngda. Den har en mеttlig lengde pе sin nдsa. Pдlsen pе american eskimo dog дr halvlеng. American Eskimo Dog en fцrvillande lika pе ett sдtt pе en ulv.
Extra info om rasehunden: Prognoser еr att leva fцr en american eskimo dog дr 15 till 18 еr. дr frеn 2 till 6 valper. Rasehunden дr typiskt inte problem е upptдcka ads. Denna renraset hund kallas дven Spitz, Eskie. Den engelska smeknamn pе rasehunden дr American Eskimo Dog.
American Eskimo Dog bilder
Anvдnd vеr sцkfunktion och hitta en hundras som passar dig.
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American Eskimo Dog
Sebastian Larcher
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Transcript of American Eskimo Dog
Lebhafter freundlicher Character.
Privatpersonen : $20 pro Nacht
VCA Lakeshore Animal Hospital
Lakeshoreroad and Cawthra
Beyond the leash
Anhaenglich gegenüber seinen besitzern
Sehr leicht zu erziehen.
Der american eskimo spitz ist ein sehr familienfreundlicher Hund , da er eine sehr gute Bindung mit Menschen aufbauen kann.
German Spitz
This adorably small dog was once used as a circus dog. It's a member of the spitz family as it descends from the European Spitzes. The white German spitz and the white Keeshond are two of the breeds it descends from. This breed was commonly seen throughout circuses in the 19th century. Trick dog acts are easy for this breed to do as their agile structure and intelligence allows them to do a number of flips.
The German Spitz is among the oldest dog breeds in Europe. The term German Spitz can either be used to describe a separate breed or certain Spitz varieties including the Keeshond, the American Eskimo Dog or the Pomeranian. Spitz-type dogs have compact, long bodies, usually with shorter legs. They tend to have wedge-shaped, fox-like heads with pointed muzzles and erect, triangular ears. Their tails tend to curl over their backs. Spitzes can come in different colors, usually white, black or cream. Grooming spitz breeds can be quite high maintenance due to their abundant coats.
German Spitz Build Information
The German Spitz is among the oldest dog breeds in Europe. The term German Spitz can either be used to describe a separate breed or certain Spitz varieties including the Keeshond, the American Eskimo Dog or the Pomeranian. Spitz-type dogs have compact, long bodies, usually with shorter legs. They tend to have wedge-shaped, fox-like heads with pointed muzzles and erect, triangular ears. Their tails tend to curl over their backs.
Spitzes can come in different colors, usually white, black or cream.
Grooming spitz breeds can be quite high maintenance due to their abundant coats.
Behaviour and Personality
German Spitzes are sociable, friendly and affectionate. They enjoy human companionship. Spitz breeds usually need quite a lot of exercise in the form of daily walks or vigorous games. They tend to be heat intolerant because of their thick coats. German Spitzes can sometimes be independent or temperamental.
They are protective but usually not aggressive.
They make for excellent companions as they are protective of their home and family, but they are still kind and loving. They are eager to please their owners, and they will need training to help them use their agility. They are perfect for families as they stay close by, and often alert homeowners if there is a crying baby. This breed is known for worrying about a child that is crying, and will fuss over the child until the parents will take notice of the issue.
This breed needs daily brushing to keep their hair clean. You need to bathe them on a regular basis to keep their skin clean and their mane free of dirt. Their coat does shed often, requiring you to vacuum often. They are a loyal dog, and require your love to keep feeling happy and content with their life.
Breed's Talents and Facts
While the American Eskimo is known for their ability to pull heavy loads through snow, the miniature American Eskimo is built much smaller This adorable dog is small to medium sized and has a bright white coat with jet black lips, nose, and eye rims Its erect triangular ears make it stand out among smaller breeds This breed will require daily exercise, making it important for owners to get out and take them for a walk
Are you a German Spitz Parent?
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Common Health Conditions in German Spitzs
The Miniature American Eskimo needs plenty of love throughout the years for their survival. They will be able to live 16 years, making them a hardy breed. There are genetic issues with some of the breeds, making it important to talk to breeders to find out the health history of the parents. Hip dysplasia, luxating patella, and progressive retinal atrophy are some of the common health ailments they have if the dog is bred from unhealthy parents. Allergies are the most common health issues they have, and some can have dental problems if their teeth are not cared for correctly.
German Spitz Pet Insurance
When adding a dog or cat to your family you want to make sure your pet is happy, healthy and protected. During its lifetime your pet is exposed to many illnesses and diseases and some breeds are affected by a congenital disease which is a condition existing at birth. At these moments when your pet is ill or maybe needs surgery, you want to be protected for the unexpected and high veterinarian costs.
Insure your German Spitz
Learn more about pet insurance here to keep your pet healthy and request your FREE Quote now!
Are you German Spitz Breeder?
We have the most complete database with over 10,000 dog breeders in the USA! We would love to be in contact with you because we get many requests on our website of pet owners looking for this breed. You can contact us here to join our dog breeders directory now! We can help you find homes for your German Spitz puppies. Register as a Breeder!
Top German Spitz Breeders:
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The health and condition related topics discussed herein are for general informational purposes only and should not be used for diagnostic purposes or be interpreted as information specific to plans offered by PetPremium pet health insurance.
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I am looking for similarities
in all individual cases of
I wonder if we all tell our
stories we might come up
with some commonality
between the specific
situations in which all of
our pets got this disease.
So please email me the
details and I'll put your
pets story on Shelley's
Ik ben op zoek naar
overeenkomsten in alle
individuele gevallen van
Ik hoop dat wanneer wij
onze Histio verhalen
vertellen, wij overeen-
komsten ontdekken over
de manier waarop onze
huisdieren deze ziekte
Stuur mij de details en
ik zal het verhaal van uw
huisdier op de Histio
website van Shelley zetten.
These stories are all
may vary and response to
therapy is not always the
Deze verhalen zijn allemaal
symptomen, situaties en
verschillen en de reactie
op therapie is niet altijd
German - Hund
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Malignant Histiocytosis
American Eskimo
May 27, 1992 - April 11, 2005
Well, our story begins much the way the other stories did.В Max was 12 years old and was still going strong, other than a slipped disc in his neck that bothered him occasionally.
One morning in early May '04 he woke up in pain.В I took him to the vet where they diagnosed him with a slipped disc (no x-rays were taken).В The prescribed treatment was muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories.В That worked, but three weeks later the problem was back. Took him back to the vet; we were told slipped discs take time (sometimes months) to heal. We continued with the same drugs. About a month later the problem was back so we were told to remove all toys, to prevent him from shaking them and reinjuring himself, and to continue with the same drugs. We did that, but he was so sad. Every couple of months the pain would recur so we would treat with the muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories then he'd be better.
In August of 2004 I thought I felt a lump on his throat area, but also at this time he didn't seem himself, he seemed depressed.В I was pregnant with our second child and, as crazy as it sounds, wondered if he could somehow sense the pregnancy (he had a hard time adjusting after our first baby came home).В I took him to the vet again, but of course the "lump" was gone so I convinced myself that I had just imagined it.В I also asked about the depression.В The doctor said dogs can get depressed when sick but that they don't really internalize feelings the way people do so, again, I convinced myself that I had just imagined it.В But, to me, he still looked depressed so I just made sure I gave him lots of extra love and attention.
Our second baby was born in November 2004. About a week after the baby was home Max's neck began hurting again so I gave him the same course of treatment. Usually it would take about two days of treatment before he would feel better, but this time he was back to normal within one day after treatment so I figured he may have just been looking for a little extra attention.
On February 22, 2005 I took him in for routine blood work and everything was fine.В While I was there I also mentioned a slight "snoring" sound he had started making.В The doctor (not our normal doctor) listened to his chest but couldn't hear anything obvious; she said it could possibly be allergies but to keep an eye on it.
February 25th, I began treatment for the slipped disc again.В Again, he would usually feel better after 1-2 days of treatment; however, three days later he was still in pain, then I noticed his throat.В The entire front of his throat was swollen.В Back to the vet we went.В The doctor said it was edema and suspected some kind of allergic reaction.В She treated him with an antihistamine and steroid, but he did not respond.В She then suspected an infection and started him on an antibiotic.В She took an x-ray of the throat area, but couldn't see anything obvious.В She also did some additional blood work; liver enzymes were slightly elevated, but she said this wasn't unusual at his age.
March 2nd, he still didn't seem himself.В She took a chest x-ray, but didn't see anything obvious.В She noticed one of his salivary glands was enlarged so she aspirated it for testing.В She thought maybe he had been exposed to leptospirosis so we began giving him Amoxicillin (so now he was taking two antibiotics).В Test results on salivary gland came back, but only said "cannot rule out cancer".
March 5th, throat swelling was completely gone and he actually seemed a little perkier.
March 6th, perkiness gone; now seems pretty lethargic.
March 7th, still lethargic and began making a slight coughing/wheezing sound.В Did not eat his "breakfast" that morning, but did eat dinner.В Doctor suspected antibiotics were beginning to upset his stomach and recommended we stop the meds for a day or two.
March 8th, still lethargic.В As someone put a flier on our front door Max charged the door barking (as he always does).В Suddenly he began panting extremely hard and fell down.В He tried to get up, but fell down again.В I ran over and held him for a minute until he calmed down, then he was "fine".В I called the doctor; she suspected either a respiratory or neurological problem.
March 9th, took him back for a second chest x-ray; still didn't see anything, but he clearly didn't feel well.
March 11th, our doctor had been consulting with the other doctor in the office.В When neither of them could figure it out they consulted a specialist.В Based on the information they sent the specialist, she couldn't figure it out either.В The symptoms could have been anything.
March 16th, took him back to check the salivary gland again.В Gland looked fine; however, she noticed his tummy seemed a little distended and, as she looked in his mouth, noticed his gums were very pale.В She suspected anemia (which might explain the passing out episode).В More bloodwork.В That night as I was petting him I noticed a good sized lump on the side of his neck.В As much as I loved on this dog there's no way I would have missed a lump that size so it apparently developed very quickly.
March 17th, blood work came back confirming anemia.В Our doctor was frustrated that she couldn't figure it out so she referred us to the specialty hospital who, fortunately, was able to get us in that day. I showed the specialist the lump and didn't get a good feeling when she said, "oh dear".В They did an ultrasound and noticed the spleen and liver were enlarged.В She then did a needle biopsy on both organs then biopsied the lump on his neck; as you might guess the diagnosis was malignant histiocytosis.В We were told this hideous disease does not respond to treatment so they put him on Prednisone and sent us home.В It was very hard for me to just accept a death sentence and wait for him to die so I scoured the internet for any information I could find, unfortunately it didn't tell me what I wanted to hear.
I let myself stay in denial for a few days, but once I accepted the news we did our best to make his remaining days happy days.В It was so hard to watch my beautiful, strong dog deteriorate before my eyes. He lost muscle mass quickly so his shoulders, chest, and hips were very bony.В His abdominal area continued to fill with fluid so he began to resemble a barrel with legs.В He began having a harder time breathing and walking, then last Wednesday, April 6th, I happened to notice his back legs were very swollen.В He also slipped on the tile floor a few times and couldn't get up.В During this time, as crummy as he must have felt, he continued to follow me everywhere, as he always had.В But on Friday, April 8th, he stopped getting up as much.В I talked to the doctor and she said it sounded like it was about time: loss of muscle mass, labored breathing, edema, loss of appetite, overall weakness В all signs of progression.
So on Saturday, April 9th, I arranged to take him in, then all of a sudden he got up, wagged his tail, and begged for some food.В We decided that wasn't the right day so I canceled the appointment.
But Sunday, April 10th, he only got up one time that day.В He looked so sad, just laid there starring off into space.В We decided we needed to take him the following day.В That night was the first night he had really struggled.В We woke up around 2:00 a.m. and he was gasping for air.В This went on for about an hour or so then he calmed down and was fairly quiet the rest of the night, but he couldn't get comfortable.
Monday, April 11th, he rejected both food and water, so I knew we were making the right decision. When we got to the vet he just laid there as the doctor administered the injection.В It was very peaceful.В As hard as it was to lose him, it was actually a relief to not see him struggle anymore.
We were told he had anywhere from two weeks to two months --- he made it 25 days after diagnosis. My doctor had never seen a case of MH and a vet friend of mine has only seen one case in 20 years.В If this cancer is so rare then how are these good dogs getting it?
I mentioned the slipped disc and the depression at the beginning of this story. I now wonder if he ever had a slipped disc (since I found the lump on the side of his neck) and I wonder if the depression was my imagination or if he really was depressed because he was starting to have early symptoms of this disease. I'll never know, but I do know he was the most incredible dog I've ever seen, he was our buddy and we miss him terribly.
Cheryl and John Anderson
Be sure to seek the advice of your veterinarian about any question you may have
regarding your pet's health and behavior.
No diagnosis can be done without a veterinarian actually seeing and examining the patient.
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